It’s perfectly normal to be very invested when searching for a new home. For many first-time home buyers, it’s one of the biggest decisions they’ve made so far. The South Australian housing market is pretty dynamic, so you might end up searching for a long while before you find the right house for you and your family. If you feel like you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, you might want to trust your instinct. Here are some telltale signs that the house you’re looking at is “the one”.

- You feel comfortable inside of it
They say that there’s no place like home. It’s where you feel at peace and comfortable enough to let loose and relax. This is a kind of atmosphere that develops as you spend prolonged time periods in the home, but it’s also something that you start feeling right as you enter it for the first time. There’s something about the look, feel, or smell of the house that makes you feel at home, even before it’s actually your home.
Trust your intuition when you run into a home like this. Your subconscious is telling you that there’s something right about the place and that you should take it into consideration. If you go inside and feel like never leaving the place, it’s a pretty good sign. If you find yourself checking it out over and over again, even after thoroughly surveying it, it might be that you’ve become fond of the place.

- The house matches all your needs
Not every house is going to be a perfect match, and that’s something you’re probably prepared for. Whether the room layout is somewhat unusual or the bathroom is a couple feet too far from your future room, you’ll always find small quirks that make it less than ideal. Things can be changed as time goes by, which is why small inconsistencies aren’t considered a problem when purchasing a home. However, you could get lucky and find a home that hits every note right off the bat.
In these scenarios, you should ask yourself exactly what it is that makes the home perfect. If you find that it will require a lot less renovating than another home, you have to take that into consideration. Even if it leans on the more expensive side of things, the savings you can make from not making any alterations can be more than worth the price. After all, if it has everything you need, why make any drastic changes at all?

- You think it’s time to stop searching
The search for the perfect home can take a while. You could go through dozens of houses before you even come close to finding one that matches all of your wants and needs. The average South Australian will spend months looking for the ideal home, especially if they aren’t in a rush. It’s a long, but worthwhile search. After all, you don’t want to purchase a home you’re not one hundred percent sure on.
It takes some knowledge and experience to know when to end your search. You might not be aware that you’ve found the perfect house until you’ve seen countless others that aren’t up to measure. This is something that many first home buyers in Adelaide struggle with. They can’t be sure if they’ve found an ideal home, or if they’re searching in the right places. When you’re inexperienced, there’s nothing wrong with seeking help from your family members with more experience in searching for homes. Some will turn to professionals that can help recommend homes in desirable areas. Finding the ideal home is your end goal and there’s no use in being too cautious and missing out on golden opportunities.

- It’s time to tell everyone
One of the more surefire signs that you like a place is that you can’t wait to tell everyone about it. Even if you’ve only checked it out and haven’t made any concrete plans to buy it, there’s something about it that you want to share with your close ones. There’s a lot of excitement involved and you want to be able to express yourself simply because the place is exactly what you’ve been looking for.
If your partner is equally enamored with the house, you’re probably constantly discussing what you could do with space, assuming that you decide to buy it. Talking to your parents or children about is a natural next step. It’s the first step in preparing them for your move. Even if you might not want to admit it to yourself, you really like the place.

Finding the right house can take a lot of time and effort. It’s an investment that can last you a lifetime, so there’s no wonder that you want to be careful when purchasing it. When you’re house hunting, make sure you follow all the telltale signs that it’s the right one. Let your gut guide you and you’ll have a much easier time deciding on the perfect home.