Finally, she has caved in to pressure and decided to go on a date with you after pursuing her for like, 1 year or so? Suddenly, you realize that you’re short of ideas on how to fire up the date to create passionate, fond and long-lasting memories. Relax, it happens to the best of us. You don’t need to be Antonio Borello to make her fancy you.
Whether you’ve been in a relationship or it’s your first-time date, chances are high that at some point, you’ll have exhausted the raft of ideas you had. Don’t subject yourself to the standard convention of a movie after a dinner date. The setting is also crucial in determining whether the date is romantic. It doesn’t qualify as romantic if the setting is in pizza or a fast food outlet. Spice up things a bit by doing a home-made dinner for two amidst the glowing embers of scented candles.

It’s always a good idea to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Therefore, we enlisted the help of a few friends, both single and in relationships in coming up with 10 sure-fire ways to spice up and set the mood for your date.
Looking through one’s family photos
This is always a great tip to enjoy each other’s company while going through childhood memories. Chances are high that you’ll have a fun-filled interaction full of laughter and teasing all the while creating a less tense environment. Incorporating the aspect of touch through holding hands and cuddling through the process is a sure way of making sparks fly.
Taking a stroll to your nearest market
According to the ladies, there lies a mystery about a man who picks up his fresh bunch of groceries at the farmers market that he’ll, later, prepare a sizzling dish with. Take her out for the stroll, it will be worth it. Take it up a notch by incorporating an aphrodisiac such as Spanish fly in your favorite bottle of wine to complement the aphrodisiac meal.
Dance lessons
It doesn’t matter whether you’re into dancing or not. Pop into the nearest salsa dance class on your way from a romantic movie and confuse your feet for a few minutes. Let your palms and bodies touch and feel the electric pulses flow down your spines. Delve deep into each other’s eyes. Who knows, you might steal a kiss. Make fun of it as you step into each other’s toes and bump heads. It will be worth your while.
Indulge in fun activities
Incorporating fun activities such as a cruise in the night time sets you up as a mysterious fun-loving guy. Temperatures fall during the night time thus creating the perfect opportunity to cuddle up and keep warm. Other fun-loving activities include kite flying and for the thrill-seekers, bungee jumping, and sky diving would work in their favor.
Road trips
Hitting the road for the next hour or two with your date is a sure way of relaxing. Physically getting yourself out of the hassle and bustle of the city would create a relaxing atmosphere for the two of you. Find out beforehand of the best eatery before leaving or simply whip up a delicious picnic lunch and pull up in a serene spot. Sounds romantic?
Wine tasting
This is most common among first dates, maybe due to the fact that one doesn’t have to pay for the bottle of wine. Taking that long out-of-town trip to the vineyard or winery to experience the different flavors would add the romanticism to your trip. Some vineyards also allow couples to press their own grapes to create their own vintage. There’s nothing more charming than dining in the evening with a fresh bottle of your own wine (For non-alcoholics off course).
Indulge one another
For those with a sweet tooth, taking part in sinful, guilty pleasures such as chocolates would go a long way in setting the mood. Look into what your partner loves best and surprise them with treats. Indulging your senses by feeding chocolates to one another lays down the foundation geared towards having a fun-filled hedonistic evening.
Don’t fake it
This is where first time date goes wrong. Portraying a better version of you creates the wrong picture. By being yourself, you don’t have to hide behind the covers which in turn enhances the mood by letting your guard down and interacting more freely.
Before that hot date comes knocking, hit the showers at least three hours before time. Invest in a sweet-smelling, sensual cologne or perfume and have some breath mints at hand.
Keep personal matters at bay
A date is simply a platform for couples to get to know one another. As much as we have our personal problems, it is advisable we keep a tight lid on them to avoid destroying the mood already set.