Relationship with your adult children
The relationship between parents and adult children can often be challenging. It is easier to manage the parent-child relationship when the children are young. While children are still small, they mostly rely on their parents, who provide them with clothes, food, and all other necessities.
Over time, children grow up and become mature and independent people who no longer need parents to help them with basic things. Now they take care of it themselves. Although sometimes it is difficult for parents to accept that their children do not need help for some things, it is normal. Regardless of how old they are, they are still your children. It’s just that they have matured and become adults, and therefore your relationship has to reach another stage.
Keep reading to learn how to adapt to your children’s growing up and to have a healthy relationship with your adult children.
Speak like adults
Both parents and children must accept the factual situation and talk to each other like adults. Parents need to understand that their children are not small anymore. When they do that, they will understand that there is an adult child in front of them and that they do not make inappropriate demands and give unnecessary advice.
On the other hand, children should be aware of their age and not act younger than they are. When both – children and parents realize that it is important to talk like adults, they will find themselves on a good path that leads to a healthy relationship.
Ask for parenting advice
It can be difficult for parents to accept that their children are no longer small and are now adults. Although they only want the best for their children, sometimes parents don’t know how to show it, and the relationship with their children is damaged.
For your children to become successful people one day, parents must support them in the stage of becoming independent. Although it sometimes sounds difficult, it is of crucial importance for the well-being of your children. If this causes you problems, seek help from parenting experts, who will inevitably be of great help and give you advice.
Allow them to go and respect boundaries
Accepting that your child is an adult and does not need you at all times can be difficult for parents. However, if you do not do this, you can damage your relationship with your adult children.
It is normal for children to want more and more privacy as they grow up. Parents should support them on this path to independence. In this way, you will help them build their identity.
Although you are used to being in constant contact with them or showing up at their door unannounced, avoid this. If you do not respect the new boundaries relationship may be damaged. Let your children become independent people, and thus you will have a healthy relationship with them.
Offer advice only when asked
When your children were small, you were the one who made decisions for them. However, as they grow up and develop, they become independent and can make decisions independently. It’s a normal and natural part of every person’s growing up.
Try to avoid judging them or trying to impose your opinion on them. It can harm your relationship. If they need your advice, adult children will ask you for it. Until they do it yourself, try to refrain from offering unsolicited advice.
Give them support
Even when they grow up and stop living with you, your children want some confirmation from you that they are doing a good job. They want to make their parents proud even though they are no longer little. It is important that you, as parents, support your children on their way to independence. Let them know that you are with them and that they are doing a good job.
Help them build self-confidence, become independent, and show them you care. Be selfless support on this journey, no matter how difficult it may be for parents. In that way, you can build a positive relationship with your children.
Wrapping up
As hard as it is sometimes to accept that your child is growing up, the sooner you do it, the more you will help them. It is important to support your children on the way to independence, that you talk like adults, and respect their boundaries. If this is difficult for you, seek the help of experts in order to overcome this period more easily. Stick to some of this advice, and you will have a healthy relationship with your adult children.