The double chin has been an arch-enemy for a lot of people. Sometimes the struggle is such that no amount of weight loss, exercise or eating clean can help with it. Having a double chin or even more can impact one person’s confidence. It can hide your neck and shatter the dream of a chiselled jawline. If this is something you’ve been struggling with, it is time to consider chin Liposuction Toronto. This procedure targets a small and specific area to help you achieve dramatic facial contours. There is minimal scarring involved, paired with rapid recovery. We are here to tell you about this revolutionary facial cosmetic procedure.

Who is a good candidate for chin liposuction?

One can’t choose to undergo a cosmetic procedure, simply because one wants to. Certain criteria need to be met. The patient who wants to undergo chin liposuction should have good skin elasticity. The reason behind this is that the skin will have to bounce back after the removal of fat. When the skin is unable to do so, it won’t allow for smooth results. Apart from that, the candidate should be in good overall health. Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, it is crucial to have realistic expectations from the get-go.

What happens during the procedure?

For the surgery, you might be put under general anaesthesia or local anaesthetic with IV sedation. Chin liposuction is an hour-long procedure. The surgeon begins by making a small incision under the neck. This incision would be a couple of millimetres in diameter. As the area being treated is small, there won’t be any visible incisions or visible scars. After the incision has been made, the surgeon will remove the required amount of fat to achieve desired results. Once the fat is removed, the incision is closed. A soft compression garment will be placed around the head. This is done to bring down the swelling.

Can it be paired with other procedures?

Patients often choose to pair chin liposuction with a chin implant. Combining these cosmetic procedures can drastically improve the appearance of a small chin. A chin implant will make your face look stronger and achieve more balanced facial proportions.

What happens after the procedure?

Knowing about the recovery beforehand can help one to prepare themselves physically and mentally. Once the surgery is over, you will be allowed to go back with a family member or friend. Before leaving, you will be provided with a list of instructions and pain medication. You might experience some swelling or bruising. Despite that, you can carry on light activities. For the next couple of weeks, it is recommended to avoid heavy lifting or bending over. This can increase the pressure on your face and swelling. While sleeping, it is recommended to place multiple pillows under your neck and head. Ensure that your head is elevated. As recovery is relatively shorter, you would just need about a week off from work. These are just some instructions that you need to follow.


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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.