How often have you sat at a red light and dream of the car that you’d rather be in? We spend a lot of time in our cars these days, and while most of us simply opt for something that’s economical, some of us have slightly bigger dreams.

If you’ve always wanted to own your dream car, but you’ve never had the budget for it, perhaps now is the time to rethink things. It’s easier than you think to get your hands on the car of your dreams. Let’s talk about how to finance your dream car.
1. Start with a Budget
Like all things in life that are worth waiting for, your dream car begins with a budget. You already know what your dream car looks like – and even what color you want it in – so the next step is to talk about the budget.

The first thing you need to do is think about how much you earn every month, and how much you’re prepared to save towards your dream car. Consider other things you’ll need to save for, too, like insurance, maintenance, and gas.
2. Don’t Spend as Much
If you’re serious about being able to afford the car of your dreams, then you may have to cut down on some of your existing expenses until you’re able to pay for it.

The next time you’re considering purchasing something, take a second to think whether you need it or not. If you don’t need it, then perhaps it’s worth putting that money aside for your dream car.
3. Apply for Financing
If you’ve been saving for your dream car for a while now and you’re becoming impatient, there’s nothing wrong with looking at other ways to come up with the rest of what it is going to cost.

You could consider applying for alternative financing, like a personal or car title loan. When looking around at all of your options, make sure to get a car title loan estimate from as many places as possible, so that you can be sure you’re getting the best deal.
4. Start a New Account
If you’re just saving money in your normal checking account, it’s going to be pretty tempting to spend it, even though you can visualize that car you want badly.

The best way to avoid spending money that you’re trying to save for your car is to put it into a separate savings account. This way, it’s out of sight, out of mind, and you’re less likely to spend it on things that you don’t need.
5. Try an Investment
While there’s always a risk when investing money, there’s always a chance that you’ll get a return on your investment, too. If you already have investing experience up your sleeve, you may want to consider putting some of that money you’re saving into an investment.

Not only does this give you an opportunity to make more money from your savings, but it also spreads your funds out a bit.
It’s not easy sitting tight and putting in the hard work to save for your dream car. However, if you can follow these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to sitting at those red lights in the car of your dreams.