CBSE, Central Board of School Education every year release exams date sheet at any time between January last to starting in March. And many students who are in 12th class get very stressed out after seeing date sheet because many students think that 12th class exams are hard but it not properly true as in 12 board exams CBSE only ask a question which is given in NCERT book and all CBSE question are made depending on your class syllabus. But there are some tips that you can follow to score high marks in 12 class exams.
As you have seen that CBSE releases its date sheet with 40 days gap of the exam. As a student, 40 days gap before the exam is enough for preparations but yes this is not confirmed that you will always have 40 days gap between exams some time it can be longer or shorter it all depends on CBSE Board. When you see the date sheet in your hands don’t be afraid to utilize this time properly and you can score high marks in exams.
Top 5 Tips for 12TH Class Board Exams
1. See what’s Coming First
In school time there is no favorite subject every subject has its own importance and every number counts in exams so this is very important to study every subject and give every subject equal time. If you want to score high marks in exams.
2. Knowledge of the syllabus
When your date sheet is on your hand this is important to decide how much you have studied for these exams. In simple words see which exams are coming first see how many chapters have you studied well and see where do you need help to score high marks in exams. Read every chapter carefully do not skip any chapter just because you don’t like that subject. CBSE can ask you questions from anywhere so this is important for you to have a stronger grip on your subjects. Also, read CBSE sample papers for a better understanding of the chapter.
3. Take Written Tests
It does not matter how much you study as long as you do not take mock tests. Reading the book and CBSE sample paper can help you understand question answers batter but your examiner will see what you have written in exams so reading too much alone can’t help you properly. It is important that you improve your writing skills because in exams you only have 3hours so you batter be quick and right with your answers.
4. Time Management
One of the most common tips but the most important one. Time management is very important because many students spend the whole day studying one subject but this is wrong because if you spend your whole day on one subject you will feel boredom while studying do divide your time properly and study all subject time to time that why you will not feel boredom while studying.
5. Do Check Previous Years Question paper
One of the pro tips you will find in your exams from your teacher is to study previous years’ question papers try for yourself to solve these questions and set a timer also to know how much time you are taking to solve the question. This is one of the ways to know where are you standing right now. Also, do download NCERT Solutions for class 12 to improve your question answers skills.
12th class is one of the most important classes in every student’s life because after passing 12th class you have to choose college but if you score low marks then you might not able to choose your desired college. So try this simple key method for exam preparation and manage your study time. If you want to score high marks in exams.