How to Achieve the Ideal Induction Cap Seal Every Time?

How can companies accomplish a seamless seal every time? They have got to match the liner, cap, and sealer. They must set up the operating window and establish testing techniques to ascertain a good seal.

We look at the variables for the ideal Induction Sealing.

The considerations for executing the best cap sealing

  • The product that’s packed – Picking the correct induction seal is dependent on the product that is packed. For a product having any potentially volatile ingredients, acids, alcohol, etc. a protecting layer could be needed. It is sandwiched amid the foil and “heat-seal film” to thwart corrosion. The ideal seal is possible for a closure made from PVC, PET, PP, PE, PS, glass, Gamma, PLA, metal, or Barex.
  • The sort of liner use – There is the single-piece liner with a backing of usually a foam, board, or paper layer. On induction, the whole structure gets sealed to the container lip. This sort of liner fix in beverage, vitamin, and food applications.  Liner particles in goods that don’t require a reseal liner within the closure.

There is also the two-piece liner. This wax bonded material has a backing of usually a pulp, foam, or board. The support is attached to the foil-seal structure using a short-term wax bond. Throughout the induction procedure, the wax is warmed, thawed, and soaked into the backing. For the packaging of volatile merchandise, a blockade layer will most likely add on amid the foil and heat-seal layer.

Then there is the two-piece reseal. It is a blend of a high-blockade retain liner and the induction foil. The lamination of High-blockade polyester film on the backing ensures better moisture vapor transmission and oxygen permeation post-foil seal removal.

  • The removal characteristics of the product or application – Whether the application needs a clean peel with the entire liner peeling away, leaving no residue. Whether the product requires a tamper-evident bond or weld seal or there is a need for an easy-entry seal.

How to pick the ideal induction cap sealer?

Several variables will be applicable to pick the correct Induction Sealing Machine for any application. 

  • Foil diameter.
  • Line speed in feet-per-minute – For containers that are moving fast, they will be beneath the sealer less and thus the need for a more powerful sealer. The spacing amid boxes is to be considered when just “containers per minute” is available.
  • Bottle and cap geometries -An even sealing head seals several sorts of bottles and caps. However, there are containers with a considerable gap separating their top from the induction liner. A unique sealing head is essential for them.
  • The assortment of applications is a crucial consideration – For an extensive assortment of containers, the system must be covered for the whole variety of configurations.

Following the documentation of all the information, it’s time to select the right sealing head and power supply options.

Sigma CapSeal has been catering to the home and the worldwide market for many years. The company ranks with the top induction cap sealing machine providers in packaging industries. 

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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.