How Software Companies Can Reduce Development Time And Improve User Experience?

Software Companies

Time is changing rapidly and along with it everything else as well. And so software companies could not afford to continue using the traditional waterfall style of working. It proved quite inefficient and software development services were not able to meet with the deadlines that too effectively.

Now the reasons behind the inefficiency of the waterfall style are many. But the major drawbacks were the fact that this method of working consumed a lot of time. Also, it was costly as well. The custom software development company can not afford such a high cost and time.

Devops was one solution that came to the rescue of such companies. DevOps integrated development with operations. This eliminated the waterfall style of processes. In water style the workflow is linear.

This means that if there are multiple processes to be completed then the second procedure can begin only after the first is concluded thoroughly. Work processes were dependent on each other entirely. This caused a delay in the development time and was costly as well. Thus, the providers of software development services felt the need for a solution like Devops.

One of the main advantages of using DevOps technology is that it ensures that the changes are made and delivered continuously. Also, these new features are delivered as MVPs(minimum viable products) and are finely tuned with time.

Still, companies are struggling to make delivery of the right software and the promised time. To reduce the development time we have enlisted here some steps that any custom software development company can follow.

Steps to Reduce The Time Required For Software Development

1. Pair Programming

Companies can pair up programmers to work together on one single project. Here one will write the program while the other will simultaneously review it. This will reduce the time required for development.

2. Integrate Continuously to Deliver Continuously

To keep up with the pace of the market it is essential to speed up the process and at the same time deliver and integrate codes in short intervals of time rather than at a gap of 12-18 months.

3. Testing is Essential

Developers should adopt the approach of first writing the code and then running a test for it to test the expected implementation. In such a type of development procedure, changes can be made quickly and efficiently.

4. Maintaining Balance Among Teams

Each team will work in its own way comprising of 6 to 8 DevOps members. This will result in a distinct yet interconnected set of skills. And the development procedure will be completed way before than expected.

5. Eliminating Waste

Focusing on the resources efficiently and using them to the best is important as the cost related to talent and skill resources has increased over time. Therefore, eliminate the unnecessary time-consuming things such as numerous meetings, etc.

We have mentioned some five steps that can you to successfully reduce development time for software. You can inculcate other steps as well such as taking feedback and acting on it in a timely manner. This is to say that you create new features or make changes according to the feedback received.

Similarly, you can work well with the MVPs as well. Develop an MVP, measure this MVP’s acceptance then enhance it as per the requirements. This will allow you to write codes in fragments, reduce wasted efforts and speed up the process as well. Next, we will discuss how can you improve user experience.

How to Improve User Experience?

1. Enhance User Experience With less Number of Features

Software development companies often make this mistake of delivering or incorporating numerous features in just one change. The results are the opposite of what is desired. Instead of enhancing a user’s experience companies end up degrading it. Moreover, people who are purchasing user experience are not ultimate patrons. This makes it difficult to judge the quality of the features. Therefore, the best way will be to render the customer with fewer at one time.

2. Search For The right Product Then Create It

By this, we mean that at first perform thorough research to understand the requirements of the consumers. Many companies do not give enough time for important aspects. It is crucial for the development procedure that you create what is required. Otherwise, the whole logic of development is compromised.

3. The Choice Factor

It has been observed that customers tend to buy those stuff in which not many choices are presented to them. The example for this is an experiment that was conducted at one supermarket. In this researchers found that consumers tend to buy jam more when they were offered with only six choices instead of 24. The same goes for other products as well. Thus, Software Product development should take place in such a way that only the best and few options to choose from are presented to the consumer.

So a method to combat such issues and at the same time curating a better user experience is by decreasing the number of features provided earlier. Reducing them in such a way that the existing, as well as future customers, benefit from it.

Below we have cited some three strategies that can be used to achieve the desired target.

  1. Removal

This step will include identifying the dependencies of humans as well as the system regarding a certain feature and then removing it with better functionality.

  1. Compartmentalization

This means developing numerous distinct solutions each having its own set of fewer features, instead of one heavy solution containing all the features.

  1. Reframing

Reframing means removing any feature from the front end and putting it under the usage so that it comes up only when required. Now you can incorporate these three strategies into your software product development to enhance customer experience with fewer features.

Summing it up

We gave some of the work strategies that you can adopt to enhance the productivity of your company. Apart from the ones we mentioned making use of SaaS Development Services will also prove to be quite beneficial for the required purpose. From quite some time researchers have observed that SaaS Development Services have been of great help to the world of technology.

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