It is literally every man’s dream to get a bigger penis, and most of them end up trying something totally vague that shatters their dream. Since the penis enlargement industry has a huge potential, there are a lot of fake products on the market that claim to be useful, but don’t work in reality. Click here for penis traction device.

After years of research and clinical trials, experts have actually found some legitimate ways of helping men increase the length and girth of the manhood which is lifetime enlargement and remains permanently.
What Size Is Small?
Before letting you know about the different types of penis enlargement techniques including the best penis pump, we’ll help you with a very important matter.
Many men are under confident and they start considering their penis size smaller than average, and just because it isn’t a thing that other people usually show us, they keep thinking the same way.
Remember that the average penis size around the globe is 5 to 6 inches. There might be some variations to this number depending on the geographical area you live in. So, you can search online about the average penis size in your surroundings, and if it is closer to the average, you should be happy and perfectly okay with it.
Now let’s talk about smelly penises, there are various medical conditions like cancer, genetics and environmental factors that often cause a condition in some men called micropenis. In this disease, the total erectile length of a man penis is no longer than 3 inches. That is a red flag, and if you suffer from a condition like this, than you must seek medical help right away.
So, why do some guys with averagely sized penises still think that they’ve got a smaller penis? Well, psychology is one main factor. Another important thing here is that we can’t precisely see the original length of our own penis due to a bad viewing angle from top.
The Original Way To Make Your Penis Look Longer
According to some studies, it is confirmed that most of the people that think their penis is small, are overweight. That is because they see their penis from up top, which is mostly covered by their body fat. So weight loss is an effective way to make your penis look bigger. You’ll see it all clearly once the stubborn body fat covering it would go away.
Various Enlargement Methods
There are a number of different penis enlargement methods in the market right now. You can use the effective ones like penis pumps and some pills, but most of the methods are vague and are only designed to RIP your off your money.
One of the most popular methods of enlarging your penis and curing the ED, penis pumps are used by a large number of people around the world. The pump using its vacuum to create an airtight environment around your penis, and sucks the blood into it to help you get an ejection for sexual intercourse. You can see bathmate results to find a lot of useful information about penis pumps.