Healthy Teeth – A beautiful smile is more than just an indicator of a happy life, it can also tell a lot about the general state of human health. By looking at defects in the oral cavity, an experienced dentist can determine the presence of many diseases, such as diabetes, bulimia, or gastric ulcer. We want to tell about good habits which will allow you to prevent teeth diseases and save the beauty of a smile until old age:

1. Drink Soda and Freshly Squeezed Juice Through a Straw
If you like carbonated drinks and freshly squeezed juices, it is better to drink them through a straw, as they have a fairly acidic environment. The straw helps protect your teeth from its negative effects. After drinking such beverages, it is best to rinse your mouth with clean water.
Soda contains phosphoric acid. This substance deprives the enamel of mineral substances that give it strength. After exposure to acid, micropores appear in the enamel, making it like a porous sponge through which pathogenic microbes and bacteria can easily penetrate.
Carbonated drinks also have a lot of sugar. A glass of Pepsi contains about 5-6 tablespoons. To absorb sugar, the body needs calcium and B-group vitamins. The body takes these substances from the tissues of the teeth and they get destroyed by an excess of sweet.
Soda is one of the most harmful products due to the combination of phosphoric acid and sugar. As for freshly squeezed juices, they have a very high level of acidity and result in the demineralization of enamel.
2. Give up Diets
Nutrition should be complete and contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, such as calcium which is needed for healthy teeth. The diet can only be prescribed by a physician! Diets for weight loss from the Internet limit the number of nutrients and vitamins. For this reason, long mono-diets are harmful. It is better to stick to proper nutrition, including fresh vegetables, fruits, protein-rich foods, and fiber.
You can reduce your carbohydrate intake. They contain a lot of sugars that act as a breeding ground for bacteria and contribute to tooth decay. The same applies to sweets.
3. Avoid Sharp Contrast Between Cold and Hot
When you leave a warm room and step outdoors during the cold months and start talking, you put your teeth at increased risk. Enamel cracks may occur with a sharp impact of cold air on the tooth surface. The temperature in the oral cavity is at 36.6 °C and the outside is much lower. The enamel can crack due to such a sharp temperature difference, as it looks like glass which is strong, but fragile.
The same applies to some culinary traditions as drinking coffee with ice water, eating hot strudel or coffee with ice cream. Until a certain point, you will not even notice cracks in the enamel, as this is asymptomatic.
4. Eat Solid Foods
It is especially useful to chew apples, carrots, and similar foods in childhood. Solid food puts pressure on the tooth tissue and promotes teething. For adults, solid food is also important. It is a kind of physical training for periodontal vessels, the tissues surrounding the tooth and holding it in place.
Chewing hard fruits and vegetables prevents periodontal atrophy, helps to cleanse the teeth and increases the load on the ligamentous apparatus of the teeth, which is also necessary for their health.
5. Avoid Mechanical Damage
Do not open bottles, cans, and plastic caps with your teeth. This causes enamel chips. You can correct the situation only with the help of a family dentist because the enamel doesn’t restore itself. They will close the chip with a seal so that caries won’t form. Do not gnaw metal spoons and forks. It is better to get rid of the habit of chewing pencils as well.