Here’s How Technology is Changing the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare technology – As per a report, about 20.8% of Indians suffer from low immunity, carrying vulnerability to the risk of contracting various types of diseases. Now, while immunodeficiency is mostly acquired due to secondary factors, it can also be boosted by leading a healthier and well-balanced life. Furthermore, being healthy is also a prerequisite to eliminating the risks of developing various lifestyle diseases, which are on a steady rise too.

Healthcare technology

Now, living healthy encompasses integrating discipline and healthy habits into individuals’ lives, which are mostly amiss owing to their hectic schedules. That is why individuals should make conscious changes to their lifestyle and adopt better family healthcare routines to ensure that the risks of diseases and ailments are minimized.

Following is a look at a few such smart ways through which individuals can ensure better health for self and family.

Tips to lead a healthier lifestyle – 

  • Integrate workout in daily routine

Exercising does not necessarily entail hitting the gym every day or lifting heavyweights. Individuals can easily adopt habits like running or walking regularly into their daily routines to ensure that they remain fit. These are a few approaches wherein one does not need to bring drastic changes to his/her life, but at the same time promote a better living effortlessly.

  • Research well about health-related issues

If there is one tried and tested way to lead a healthier lifestyle, it is by researching and educating oneself about different health-related issues and introducing necessary changes. To enforce proper practices for improved family healthcare, individuals should remain updated about the factors that might be concerning. Few of these include learning about new types of exercise trends, dietary practices, and such to ensure that individuals are a part of the ongoing conversation about good health.

  • Pay attention to mental well-being

An individual’s health is inherently connected to his/her mental well-being. Mental health is often overlooked when it comes to promoting better livelihood, but stress and anxiety are often the leading causes for one’s deteriorating health. Thus, one of the ways to be smart about one’s health is to pay equal attention to mental well-being alongside physical fitness. Simple changes in the routines, including taking some time out for meditation and such can be extremely beneficial in this regard.

  • Seek professional care whenever needed

To ensure that there is nothing amiss with your health, it is crucial to seek professional medical care as and when required. Sometimes, the high cost of availing competitive healthcare might deter individuals from availing it. In this regard, individuals can turn to health EMI cards to avail of the smarter way of seeking affordable treatment.

The Bajaj health EMI card, in this regard, allows individuals to convert their medical bills into easy No-Cost EMI options to be paid over a tenor of up to 24 months. These benefits of the Bajaj Finserv Digital Health EMI Network Card can be availed for more than 800 medical services, from over 5,500 healthcare facilities in over 1,000 cities across India, making it easier for individuals to seek competent medical care. Thankfully, individuals can avail of the card only with a nominal, one-time payment of Rs.707.

  • Track fitness through apps

Keeping track of one’s health and fitness is imperative to promote a healthier lifestyle. In this regard, it is not practical to visit a doctor every time for routine check-ups. However, the introduction of various healthcare apps has allowed individuals to track their health effectively right from the comfort of their homes.

For instance, the Bajaj Finserv HealthRx app is one such tool that individuals can utilize to track how healthy they are, alongside a plethora of other functions. With this app, one can enforce better family healthcare and fitness effectively by setting goals for weight, sleeping time, smoking, and drinking habits. Individuals can then check the app to gauge how much they have managed to achieve with respect to their goals.

Furthermore, the app also helps individuals track their vitals and BMI, health history and lifestyle choices, and thus avail all-round benefits for their health and welfare. One can also generate a health score through the app, calculated based on his/her dietary preferences, exercise routines, sleeping patterns, physical and mental health, etc. Thus, with such functionalities and more, this app is the smartest way for individuals to keep track of their health and subsequently propagate a better lifestyle.

Apart from aiding in keeping track of one’s fitness and health, these apps also offer other benefits with respect to accessibility of self and family healthcare facilities.

To start using this app, one simply needs to download it on his/her smartphone, submit requisite information and log in. With easy accessibility, such an app can streamline the process of tracking one’s health with ease.

Thus, by integrating these few ways into their daily lives, individuals can effectively ensure that they are living healthy in a smart way.

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Article Author Details

Shailendra Kumar