There is a series of disease and environmental hazards that are slowly damaging human life. With the revolution of industry and depletion of...
Category - Health
Loneliness Interrelated to Harmful Health Effects
Loneliness is a person’s worst enemy. The feeling of being lonely or being detached from your loved ones is not just a human emotion. It’s more...
New Research Shows Hopeful Signs Oppose to Dementia
Generally, dementia refers to an overall term for a weakening in mental capability extremely affected and obstructs of a person’s everyday...
Fitbit Fitness Tracker Identifies Woman’s Pregnancy
According to the research of physical experts, it is confirmed Fitbit fitness tracker is such a physical fitness device which format to help you to...
Walnuts Help in Lose Weight and Lower Your Cholesterol
Research proves that walnuts make better cholesterol level and also help you to lose weight, however, walnuts are considered excessive in fat and...