It is hard to believe that the world you live in is drastically different from where the world was over a decade ago. Technology has advanced so far, and yet there is much more room for growth in the years to come. Every day of your life you are able to do things that you would never have been able to do ten years ago, all thanks to groundbreaking innovations that have surfaced thanks to the brilliance of technological advancements over the last decade.

Renewable Energy
While renewable energy, such as hydro-powered systems or solar panels, are typically looked at as a way to save money and become more eco-friendly, it is easy to forget that renewable energy from these sources are groundbreaking innovations that were practically unheard of over a decade ago. Solar energy and hydro-powered energy are some of the more popular sources of renewable energy, but with today’s advancements you can generate energy through movement, also known as kinetic energy. One of the best examples of using kinetic energy to generate power is the use of regenerative breaking on electric and hybrid vehicles. By using a recovery system that slows down the vehicle it is able to convert the kinetic energy into power that can be used or stored within the vehicle.
Any list talking about the greatest innovations of the decade would be incomplete without talking about smartphones. There was once a time that the idea of having a device that could play mp3 music while surfing the internet and receiving phone calls was unheard of. In fact, that time was just a little over a decade ago. Nowadays, nearly every person in this country has a smartphone in their pocket that has access to infinite amounts of data and information with only a few quick taps of the finger.
Biometric and Facial Security
Previously only thought about in spy movies, biometric and facial security has advanced far enough to become a staple of the consumer market. Many newer smartphones on the market today offer biometric and facial security systems to access personal information without needing to remember lengthy passwords. As technology advances in this field of security, within just a few years you may be able to also begin using your own voice as an access point for security and perhaps use your smart devices to access all sorts of information securely and without the need of lengthy passwords or cards.
Speaking of biometric and facial security, the world was taken by storm when the innovation of paperless pay came into existence. Gone are the days of paying with cash, check, or card when you can effortlessly use your smart device, such as a smartphone or smartwatch, to send payment to others or perform payments at stores or supermarkets. There are many devices that support this type of payment and many places that accept this payment as well. It is incredible to think about how far technology has advanced to the point that you almost never have to use physical cash or card to buy things anymore.
Home Entertainment
Just barely a decade ago you were likely looking to buy a VHS tape or DVD to play at home or even head down to the nearest video rental store to find a movie to watch with your family or friends. In a quick swoop of luck and convenience, platforms like Netflix and Hulu took the world by storm and began to offer online streaming services for an easier method of home entertainment. Now pretty much a staple in every home, smart TVs and other devices have instant access to literally thousands of shows and movies from across the world, all at your fingertips.
The world of today will eventually continue to change with more innovations, but it is incredible to think about where you are at in this technological age. Remembering where you started and comparing it to where you are at now is a humbling experience, but it is truly amazing the way the world has changed because of these amazing innovations.