Fashion Brand Names
The fashion industry’s primary goal has always been to create stunning designs that captivate audiences and establish long-lasting trends.
And this primary goal dominates the industry, becoming a guiding concept for everything from developing a design to choosing the right materials and even coming up with a powerful name for their fashion company.
And if there’s one thing we’ve learned from experience from establishing brand names for more than 35,000 businesses, it’s that the ideal name captures your company’s history, present, and future.
So, this article is crucial for you if you’ve ever wondered how to come up with great business name ideas for your fashion company.
Four Ways to Get the Best Fashion Brand Names
Study the Fashion Industry
The fashion industry has many specialized fields and impacts many industries. Since fashion is fueled by creativity, the possibilities are genuinely limitless. As a consequence, it is essential that you select and carefully research a certain niche before beginning your business.
By carrying out market research, you can better understand what is happening in your industry, figure out how to handle logistics and shipping, identify the best source for supplies, and take into account other elements that have an impact on the day-to-day operations of the fashion companies in your sector.
Additionally, while you research the specifics of your market, consider the challenges faced by businesses in the same field; those you can address, those you can’t, and places where your company can have an advantage.
Establish Your Company’s Branding Elements
If fashion entrepreneurs don’t completely identify the branding elements of their firm, they won’t be able to develop a reputation that lives up to its full market potential.
The fashion sector, more than any other, demands that businesses clearly define their brand. Building up these branding elements will assist in developing a strong reputation among your audience.
As a result, each fashion business must clearly understand their:
- Big ideas: What defining characteristics define your fashion brand?
- Tone: How would you choose to engage your audience? Do you want your business to be remembered as innovative or practical?
- Values: What fundamental values do you or your customers uphold?
- Story: Do you, or your business, have a compelling story that your clients can identify with?
- Industry Specifics: What principles do you uphold in the fashion industry?
- Benefits: What unique benefits will your clients receive?
- Emotions: What emotions do you want your clients to experience?
- Value proposition: Why should your audience do business with you?
Think About Potential Names
After determining the elements of your brand, the next thing you need to do is to use that information as a basis for crafting the ideal name. While brainstorming, you do not need to assess names; you simply need to open your creative channels and just go with the rhythm.
Don’t hesitate to jot down odd names. In fact, we strongly advise you to write names that make you uncomfortable. You never know what they could produce. Using a thesaurus, dictionary, or rhyme book is a great way to draw inspiration for your brand name.
Legitimize Your Name With Trademarks
Even though you’ve come up with a distinctive and original name, you can’t claim ownership unless you register a trademark for it. You run the danger of getting into legal issues if you adopt your brand name before trademarking it.
And when it comes to trademarking your name, it is advisable to get the assistance of a trademark attorney to help ease your trademark journey.
Improve Your Fashion Brand’s Image
Finding the ideal image for a fashion business requires much more than market research, establishing your branding elements, thinking up concepts, or even filing for a trademark.
You must not only choose the ideal name for your fashion line but also work to build it. Today’s well-known fashion companies are aware of this. As a result, they make it their goal to develop fantastic branding strategies that help them more effectively represent the essence of their brand and products.