Fort Myers Residents Wait for Money from Assistance Program

Fort Myers Emergency Assistance Program

Everyone is suffering from the current pandemic, especially financially. However, things have been made even more difficult in Fort Myers as citizens impatiently wait for money from the Fort Myers assistance program, which was supposed to help people pay their bills who couldn’t currently afford to.

The Emergency Assistance Program set up by Fort Myers was supposed to hand over money to individuals and owners of small businesses so that they could keep up with bills and rent in time for May, but they’re still waiting.

Fort Myers Emergency Assistance Program

Courtney Attardo has been waiting anxiously for the money to come through, as she and her husband have a business that they need to keep going through the coronavirus pandemic. They have rent due and are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

When people are in need like this, it’s vital that they know what financial options are available to them. Every state has approached the current crisis differently, with some handing out financial aid immediately, and others taking their time. There are alternative options out there if you are currently in need of financial assistance to help your small business.

Short-term loans are a great way to tide things over temporarily until city aid can come through. Auto title loans offer flexible repayment options and easy application.

Read on: How to Process Loan Applications and Approve More Loans Faster?

No Explanation From the City

City leaders explained that they hoped to have the money in the Fort Myers’ citizens’ pockets by the first day of May when many people’s rent was due. However, Attardo hasn’t heard anything from them about this, and the first of May has been and gone.

She explains that they are currently at a point where things are simply piling up because they don’t have a choice. Martin Drexler, another business owner in downtown Fort Myers, says that it’s incredibly frustrating not knowing whether the money is even going to reach people in need or not. He says that he has since had to take out of his savings to get by.

When both Attardo and Drexler first applied for financial aid, it said that their status was pending. Now, nothing shows up. They explain that it is the lack of communication that’s most unnerving. They would rather be rejected so that they can start to think of other ways to stay on top of their bills. It’s the waiting that’s making things difficult.

Exploring Additional Options to Help with Rent

The city says that its community development division is currently in the process of going through more than 3000 applications. Even so, there is little hope that the Fort Myer’s financial handout will provide enough of a lifeline to those in need right now.

Nobody knows when the applicants will get any help, so right now, it’s just a waiting game that everyone is forced to play.

With the current coronavirus pandemic, everyone has been left in the lurch. There are very few that are getting by without government assistance. While the federal handout initially was helpful, many have quickly burned through this as they attempt to keep their businesses alive so that they can hopefully make a profit when this all blows over.

As the coronavirus continues to ravage across the nation, each state and cities within the state scramble to figure out the best approach to take care of their citizens. In a difficult situation like this, it’s nice to know all of the options available, so that everyone is taken care of as much as possible.

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Article Author Details

Alizay Mark