As many individuals feel awkward to discuss or talk about erectile dysfunction (ED), whereas it is more usual than one believes about it. A report of the National Institute of Health states that about 30 million individuals are grappling with this ailment in the U.S. As we all know that a person grappling with this ailment faces difficulty in having an erection and retaining it for a longer duration of time.

Many individuals experience this ailment at a specific point of time in their life. Whereas for some individuals it may be a serious problem which may lower their self-respect and affect their relationship too.
There are several misconceptions about ED that are significant to be known which include. You can get more detail here about erectile dysfunction.
- ED affects Individuals in Old Age-It is know that the chances of occurring erectile dysfunction increase with increasing age and may happen more often in the age of 40s, but it cannot be neglected that ED also occurs in younger individuals too. Medical conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disorders, may gear up the tendency of developing ED in individuals of any age group.
- ED Only Develops Because of Physical Problems- Whilst medical conditions like heart disorders and obesity can lead to ED, whereas psychological issues including anxiety, depression, and lower self-respect also contribute to developing the ailment.
- Activities Including Smoking and Drinking Do Not Lead to ED-This is not correct and has been proved incorrect as it has been observed since an immemorial time that individuals who smoke and drink since a long time are commonly affected leading to have the inadequate flow of blood to the penis which favors the condition of ED.
- Medicaments Do Not Cause ED- It has been seen often that individuals taking a higher dose of medicines for hypertension and depression may reveal the signs and symptoms of ED that may be a general known adverse effect of taking such medicines. So you can use generic medication for ED treatment. You can check Sildenafil Cenforce 100mg Price at, and get ED treatment at reasonable rate.
- Taking the Dose of Testosterone Heals the Condition of ED-The individuals who have lower levels of the male sex hormone testosterone may get the benefit of taking it externally to cure erectile dysfunction. Because of this reason, it is necessary to keep an eye on your testosterone level as the maiden step if you doubt that you’re grappling with this ailment.
So in case if you have any doubt regarding this ailment or are already grappling with this issue, then it’s better to consult your doctor or physician at first before initiating with any kind of treatment.