World’s Best Dive Spots for Finding Sunken Treasure | Fish, sharks, whales – better yet, hidden treasures! The seas and oceans are a host to a diverse set of beautiful life and hidden history that could make you uncover untold riches. Get your dive gear ready and try out the following best water treasure spots!

In a desolate world where adventure is welcomed with open arms, treasure hunting becomes nobility. This is especially so when one would dare dive the deepest parts of the sea in search of treasure trove. Since time immemorial, waters have been associated with certain sacredness and even mysticism, going as far as hooking waters to a deity or the dwelling of deity. For instance, did you know that the Pacific Sea was named after some traditional water god?
Tales have arisen from water bodies and sea travels. Pirates and fishers were notable figures back in the medieval years, and some cultures held them in higher esteem than most people.
These would come back with all manner of stories – some considered out of this realm. Consider the Tale of the Old Man and the Sea, who struggled with a shark out in the open sea for 19 days until everyone thought he was dead.
Treasure hunting in deep-sea diving takes this to a whole new level! The world of diving has uncovered another universe of hidden history and untold sea stories. Cases of people and ships disappearing and not found have been solved centuries later after some daring legend went to dive in search of treasure. We don’t think there’ll ever be a time when all the wealth in the sea will be uncovered from the past 5000 years. Just like we won’t reach a point where we will reveal all the soil from the earth! That said, check out these sunken treasure ships and dive spots where you can find a whole host of treasure!
Deep-Sea Dive in the Red Sea, Egypt
You’ve all heard tales of the miraculous partying of the Red Sea. Egypt has always emerged since ancient times and has been a recognized empire full of Pharaoh’s wealth. Moreover, during World War II, the sea was an important route and fighting point, and a British Naval vessel sank there. It would later be discovered by Jacques Cousteau in the ’50s, and to date, the cargo is still loaded with supplies. Make sure you tag your underwater dive camera with you.
The Bermuda Waters
It would be so much fun if you just had a vacation on Bermuda Island by the sandy beaches. Who can evade the natural sceneries here? But what if we suggested a dive in its warm waters?
Would you believe they are a graveyard of ships? You’ll even find 3 vessels lying atop on each other. You can get help assessing your treasure dive through Dive Bermuda, who has more than 30 years of underwater diving experience in this location.

Dive in the Florida Keys
Your culture probably holds on to some mythical, mysterious water event. This is also true in Strathspey, where the most common water body has been named Loch-nan-Spoiradan, translated to Lake of Spirits. It is impossible to imagine how the natives here in their folklore believed in these spirits. However, a dive in the Florida Keys will reveal the dead spirits of Spanish warlords from the 1700s – possibly earlier. The reefs here show just how many ships were stranded and destroyed over the centuries, and you’re sure to dive into a goldmine. Be sure to take your best diving gear with you.
Much more is to be said about alluring Coastal Greece, the outer banks of North Carolina, and even the unchartered Scapa Flow in Scotland. The most important thing for a diver is optimism, even in the gloomiest of moments. A dive without your scuba diving equipment is as good as driving without a steering wheel. Before venturing into any place, be sure to get the approval of the area’s authorities – you don’t want to get on the wrong side of the law in a strange land.
Have you discovered any treasures yet in your past dive experiences? DO inspire us in the comment section below.