Eye Health Tips – Your eyes are a very important part of your health. We don’t often give much consideration to the health of our eyes until we have a problem, but our eyes are one of our most important senses. They are how we experience the world. It’s essential we take good care of them so they remain healthy. Take action now to ensure the health of your eyes and work to prevent any damage. Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to improve your eye health.

Doctor Visits
Make sure that you visit your optometrist, or ophthalmologist if you need a specialist, at least once a year. Talk to your doctor about any symptoms you may have. If symptoms like itchy, red eyes don’t go away after a few days of home treatment and aren’t associated with allergies or a cold, tell your doctor. Also, be sure to immediately report any unusual symptoms like blurred vision and flashing lights. While these symptoms are often nothing to worry about, they can be a sign of a serious problem that you will need treatment for.
Talk to your doctor about any other conditions you have and evaluate your risk factors. Certain conditions and diseases such as diabetes can lead to complications with your vision. By giving your doctor your family history and keeping updated on current medications and conditions, you can work to protect your vision.
If you need a prescription, your eye doctor can help you decide between glasses and contacts, or perhaps you prefer both. Contact lenses can be convenient, but you have to make sure that you use them as directed. Always wash your hands before inserting or removing lenses. Clean your contacts daily and store them in the proper solution. You also need to replace your contacts on a regular basis. Keep a stock of contacts so that you don’t run out and can change them as necessary. A good place to find lenses is at contactlensesplus.
The overall health of your body is necessary for promoting eye health. Try to get proper nutrition in your diet, and consider added supplements if needed.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables each day. Leafy greens are great for your eye health. Other good food choices are eggs, carrots, nuts and seeds, and omega threes such as those found in fish. A few other vitamins that support eye health are vitamin A and lutein. The addition of these supplements can help support your eyes and boost your overall nutrition.
Avoid Strain
Most of us spend a good part of our day looking at screens. Whether that involves working on our computer or laptop all day long, checking our cell phone frequently, or spending evenings watching TV, these activities can irritate and stress your eyes. It’s important to do your best to avoid eye strain. One way to do this is by taking frequent breaks. Most eye doctors recommend the 20/20/20 method. For every 20 minutes of work, you should look away from your computer to focus on a spot about 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This gives your eyes a break and helps to prevent any strain and discomfort. If it’s hard to remember to do this, consider setting an alarm until you build a habit.
Other eye safety measures should be taken as well. Always wear sunglasses when outside to protect your eyes from the UVA and UVB rays. If you work with equipment or have hobbies where you use tools, wear protective glasses or goggles to protect your eyes from any debris.
Our eyes are so important to our daily lives. We don’t often consider what we would do without our eyesight. We couldn’t drive to work, easily shop for groceries, or participate in so many activities that we take for granted. Take steps now to improve your eye health and prevent any damage or potential loss of vision in the future. Care for your eyes now with just a few simple steps, and you will help to keep them healthy for the rest of your lifetime.