Employee Relationships: How Employees Can Make or Break a Work Environment

Employee Relationships – Even though teamwork has been credited for advancing big ideas and productivity in the workplace, interpersonal relationships are one of the most stressful aspects of heading to work. Conflict arises, people don’t pull their work or credit doesn’t get given to the right people. In spite of these negative aspects, employees enjoy the benefits of working with others, such as advice, assistance and companionship while at the office. Having to work with others can improve valuable soft skills, but poor relationships between employees can have a negative impact on the work environment. Here are some ways to keep this from happening.

employee relationships

Promote Employee Health and Wellness

It is normal for employees to get tired and fatigued from time to time. When employees are overtired or suffering from an illness, the tendency to get short-tempered or act on edge increases. Blood sugar levels that are too high or too low can contribute to unpredictable behaviors or conversations. While you won’t be able to control an employee’s lifestyle, you can take steps in the workplace to encourage better health and wellness choices. You can hold health seminars to introduce employees to products that can improve their mental and physical health. A hormone balance supplement, multivitamin or stress-relieving compound can be instrumental for improving employee wellness. Encourage employees to take advantage of benefit plans that offer gym memberships or counseling opportunities.

If you can create an environment that supports the employees in their health, they will feel better and have increased satisfaction on the job. This can avoid damaging outbursts and absenteeism.

Develop Positive Work Morale

Working on relationships between coworkers can improve the morale for the entire company. A lack of harmony, trust and respect between peers leads to reduced productivity. Unhappy employees often engage in behaviors that let them escape from the office. Usually in the form excessive trips to the breakroom or restroom. Employees spend more personal time on the internet or phone, checking social media for updates rather than their email inbox for new orders or tasks. When engagement in their tasks declines, the entire company can experience a decrease in productivity. Committed and hard-working employees blame those who haven’t pulled their weight, further widening the chasm between harmonious relationships. You need to improve employee morale by addressing the work disparities. Establish accountability measures for assignments and more actively seek feedback from team members.

Encourage Business Loyalty

Employees who don’t feel a sense of loyalty to their employer aren’t usually interested in establishing good working relationships with their peers. They are primarily concerned with their own best interest. Disinterest in team members and a lack of personal investment weakens morale and productivity. It also impairs customer and vendor relationships. You need to spend time encouraging business loyalty. Use teamwork and projects to develop professional relationships, but create a corporate culture that rewards loyalty.

Promote Employee Development

By providing employees with plenty of learning and growth opportunities, you can help avoid the pitfalls that accompany overwhelming feelings of inefficiency or low self-confidence. Employees who don’t feel connected to their team members will also avoid asking for help. This increases the likelihood of making errors. By proactively having training programs or mentoring relationships set up, you develop an atmosphere of learning and sharing. This can reduce the number of errors a department or process sees.

There is a lot of potential for one employee having a rough day to ruin the morale and productivity of the rest of the department. These tips can help encourage solid interpersonal relationships at work and develop a company culture that promotes positive impacts on the working environment.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.