Blood pressure refers to the actual pressure in our vessels, and it represents an important health measurement. When it remains within the normal range, it ensures that the blood travels all around the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the various organs and systems.

It is also worth mentioning that, thanks to this force, white blood cells and antibodies reach the needed sites, thus ensuring our immunity. The blood pressure allows for hormones, such as insulin, to be delivered as well. Moreover, the existent forces will allow the blood to pick up the toxic waste resulting from our metabolism and deliver it to the kidneys, where it will be excreted.
The heart contributes to the creation of blood pressure, each heartbeat working to ensure the constant flow of the blood through the vessels. The arteries add their own input, by creating the well-known differences in the said pressure.
When their health is affected, as it happens in case of atherosclerosis (plaque built-up with narrowed arteries & blockage), one is at risk of hypertension and, subsequently, of potentially life-threatening complications (stroke, heart attack).
In the UK, 1 in 4 adults suffer from high blood pressure, without noticeable symptoms. On the other hand, postural hypotension – defined by the sudden drop in blood pressure upon standing after sitting/lying down – affects 10-20% of the adults over the age of 65. After the age of 40, the blood pressure values should be checked regularly.
What are the normal blood pressure values?
The normal blood pressure value is of 120/80 mm Hg (ideal range varies between 90/60 and 120/80). The first value refers to the systolic pressure, which represents the force with which the heart will distribute the blood throughout the body. The second is known as the diastolic pressure, which refers to the blood flow resistance within the vessels.
It is important to be aware of the fact that there are natural fluctuations of the blood pressure, for example related to the circadian rhythm and even seasonal changes. However, in the situation that the blood pressure fluctuates to dangerous levels, there might be an underlying condition that needs to be addressed.
Elevated blood pressure is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease and even stroke, being appreciated at the value of 120-129/80 mm Hg. The condition is defined as stage 1 hypertension at the value of 130-139/80-89 mm Hg. More severe hypertension, stage 2, is the one over the value of 140/90 mm Hg.
As you will read below, the blood pressure can also drop at dangerous levels. In general, any value below 90/60 mm Hg is considered low blood pressure and, depending on the existence of underlying conditions, it must be investigated.
High blood pressure, a condition of the modern times
In the majority of cases, the high blood pressure does not cause noticeable symptoms, being discovered accidentally. Noticeable symptoms, which are especially associated with really high values, include: severe headaches, feeling fatigued or confused, and having chest pain. One might also experience a blurry vision, have difficulties breathing or feel a pounding sensation in their ears.
Often times, it can be difficult to identify an exact cause of high blood pressure. Potential risk factors include: age (over 65), obesity, family history, high salt consumption, poor diet, alcohol & coffee abuse, smoking, and sleep deprivation.
It is a known fact that such changes can appear as a secondary manifestation, as it happens with those who suffer from diabetes or chronic kidney disease. Additional causes include kidney infections, thyroid disorders, obstructive sleep apnea, lupus, and scleroderma. Medication, such as oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, NSAIDs and antidepressants can lead to high blood pressure.
Lifestyle changes are highly encouraged for those who suffer from high blood pressure. One is advised to lose excess weight and maintain a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Moreover, it is advisable to cut back on alcohol, caffeine and sodium. Regular physical exercise, adequate amounts of sleep and giving up smoking represent additional measures to consider.
Medication can be prescribed for the treatment of high blood pressure, in accordance to the values and age. Recommended drugs include: ACE inhibitors, angiotension-2 receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, beta and alpha blockers, renin inhibitors.
What about the low blood pressure?
If the individual is otherwise healthy and has no discomforting symptoms, there is no need to worry about the low blood pressure. However, if one is advanced in age and presents additional health problems, treatment might be necessary to prevent sudden drops that can impair vital organs.
Upon suffering from sudden drops in blood pressure, one might experience dizziness or feel lightheaded. It is possible that these changes occur when one stands all of a sudden or spends too much time standing (postural hypotension, with a risk of passing out – syncope).
Low blood pressure is caused by hormonal disorders (thyroid), diabetes, liver disease and pregnancy. Medication, such as the one recommended for high blood pressure, depression or Parkinson’s disease, can lead to such problems as well.
In order to avoid postural hypotension, one must avoid sudden changes in the posture. Medication for low blood pressure includes fludrocortisone and midodrine, both of which work to regulate the blood pressure within the vessels.
CareClinic, an application which allows you to keep your blood pressure in check
The blood pressure changes, whether they are related to hyper- or hypotension, can be suggestive of a chronic disease. High blood pressure is especially dangerous, given the high risk of stroke/heart attack and it needs to be monitored at all times.
As a person suffering from abnormal blood pressure, you will need to follow your treatment plan to the letter. If you skip your treatment, even once, you can suffer from blood pressure fluctuations and potentially life-threatening complications. CareClinic, acting as a highly effective medicine tracker, can make your life easier.
You can use the health app to record your treatment plan and ensure you will never miss your treatment, thus keeping the blood pressure under control. Moreover, you can use CareClinic to record noticeable symptoms and identify potential risk factors, thus making the necessary lifestyle changes. The app allows you to record your thoughts, to enter a team of caregivers and even compiles health reports for you to share with your treating physician.