Most universities all over the world are closely monitoring any form of developments associated with the coronavirus. Health safety of students and staff is the top priority for every university. The rate at which the virus is spreading across the continents is worrying, considering most universities admit students from different countries. Universities are following guidelines and recommendations provided by the World Health Organization, local and national health experts who have the best knowledge of how to manage public health risks like coronavirus. A lot has been done to sensitize the whole world regarding this highly contagious and deadly virus.

Students travelling from the countries already confirmed with the virus must be put on high alert as they may easily spread the virus to other students and staff. It is the liability of all institutions to make sure their students are safe from this contagious virus by ensuring no student is infected. Strong measures should be put in place to protect both the students and staff.This piece of advise has been prepared by this website.
In cases like this, great institutions like the universities must take all relevant measures to ensure that their huge populations remain safe. It is clear that universities contain a large portion of the young population that is supposed to be the future. In case such a virus breaks out in this densely populated institutions, it may be very disastrous since it will be easier for it to spread. All universities must take all relevant measures to ensure that the students and staff remain safe from this virus. As such, all relevant precautions should be taken based on the amount of information that is available on this deadly virus. The rate at which it is taking the lives of people, especially in China, is alarming and it should, therefore, be contained at all costs and especially in institutions of higher learning. Since the outbreak of the disease, experts have offered advice on how to protect students in the universities.
Testing and Isolation
Students or staff who had recently travelled from China or any other country already with the virus must be screened and isolated even if they do not have the symptoms. Those exhibiting symptoms such as fever, cough and sneeze after travelling or being in contact with a person who had travelled should be screened to find out whether he/she has the virus. Once tested, they should be secluded from other students and staff where they are closely monitored as mingling with the rest might complicate the matter because in case they are already carrying the virus, they will infect a large number of people. Given the modes of transmission of the virus, this is a relevant step since it helps avoid/reduce the chances of infection. The reason that the virus spread very fast in China was attributed to the fact that people that exhibited signs and symptoms of the virus were not isolated fast enough. If this had been the case, then it would have been relatively easier to try and control the virus. In the universities, this should happen immediately a sick person is identified.
The students should be provided with all the information concerning the virus. Universities should take the initiative of contacting all the students and staff to ensure that they have access to the latest advice. Information and guideline regarding coronavirus should be distributed to students on campus so that they get informed on how to protect themselves from getting infected. Persons returning from areas affected by the virus should be made aware of self-quarantine to protect others. They should stay indoors and avoid contact with other people even if they do not have any symptoms, this way they will be protecting others at the university.
Travel history
Health workers at the university should enquire about the travel history whenever they are evaluating a patient with breathing problems or if they have been in contact with a person who had recently travelled from one the affected areas. This is important as they are able to trace the patient’s movement before sickness and make conclusions if it could be coronavirus or not. In case a person had travelled to the affected countries they should be isolated from the rest to monitor and screen to ascertain whether they have the virus or not. The major issue with the virus is that it can easily spread through contact with surfaces that have been touched by an infected person. As one travels to and from countries with high levels of infection, they are most likely to come in contact with such surfaces in buses, elevators, and other public areas and unknowingly contract the virus. This is why the workers should always ensure to remain on high alert and find the travel history of all individuals that visit or attend the institutions.
Cleaning and disinfecting of touch surfaces
University authorities are advised to increase the cleaning and disinfecting of high touch surfaces such as doorknobs, chairs and restrooms in the university buildings to get rid of any viruses. These surfaces carry a lot of viruses and when one fails to thoroughly wash their hands after touching, they could easily transfer the virus to eyes, nose or mouth through where they enter the body making one sick. Therefore, institutions should also sensitize about the importance of handwashing. When these high levels of cleanliness are implemented and maintained, it is more likely that the spread of the deadly virus will be reduced to a minimum level.
Suspension of education Programming
Universities are advised to immediately suspend any education programing to any country which has been affected by the coronavirus. No university should allow its students to travel to these countries, as doing so will be endangering their lives. Travelling to different countries especially those that have high levels of infection increases the probability of catching the virus and spreading it back to the institution of higher learning.
Flu vaccination
Institutes should encourage students to get the flu vaccination, more so those who have not already received. Coronavirus exhibits similar symptoms as those of flu. This will minimize the number of flu-like illnesses on campus and will limit confusion if coronavirus illness begins to spread. Since it seems that it is not easy to distinguish between the two diseases, eliminating or reducing the chances of one occurring would help easily identify occurrence of the other to a great extent.
As the coronavirus continues to spread, universities and other learning institutions are not spared. In case the virus found its way to an institution a lot of students would end up getting infected and bearing the population in mind, it would be very hard to contain the disease. But with proper measures and precautions and expert advice, the students can be well protected. Therefore, institutions should get all facts about the virus right and seek professional advice early enough, as prevention is better than cure. Students too should not stay away from learning as there are ways to protect them and which should be communicated to them by the university authorities.