Congestive heart failure
Your heart is the most hardworking part of your body. And all cells in the body depend upon the heart for supplying blood to it. The issue of heart diseases is increasing in India – both in urban and rural communities at an alarming rate. These include coronary heart diseases, strokes, coronary artery diseases (CAD), and heart arrhythmia. So finding a good cardiologist in Delhi is imperative for those showing early signs of heart disease to take the corrective action as recommended.
When you notice one or more of the signs below, it should tell you that it’s time to schedule a visit to a cardiologist in Delhi:
- Chest pain
The most common sign of a heart problem is chest pain. It’s more concerning when the pain in the chest worsens with an increase in activity since it means that the heart is not getting enough blood supply. At worst, chest pain could be a sign of a heart attack, so it should not be ignored. There is a difference in signs of a heart attack in men and women, so you must discuss details with your cardiologist in Delhi.
- The Existing condition of High blood pressure (BP)
BP has to be regularly monitored if you have an existing condition of high BP. If the levels are mostly elevated, there is a higher risk of stroke and heart attack.
- Shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness
If you have been experiencing these conditions, you show signs of heart arrhythmia or CAD. So you have to discuss with the cardiologist in Delhi to understand if your heart condition is causing these signs to show up.
- Existing diabetes
The regular intake of diet high in saturated fats, trans-fat and processed food, sugar, and salt, increases CAD risk. So, if you have diabetes and upon regular checkups, the levels are elevated or fluctuating, setting up a visit with the cardiologist in Delhi is necessary. Sharing the new elevated levels can give the cardiologist an idea of the onset of the heart disease.
- Smoking habit
Smoking negatively affects your health, but its effect on your heart could be long-lasting. Since it’s one of the preventable risk factors for heart diseases, you should share the details with the cardiologist in Delhi.
- Existing high cholesterol
High cholesterol can aid in plaque being developed in the inner lining of your heart blood vessels. So, if there is an increase in the levels, you need to bring it up while you meet the cardiologist in Delhi. High bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of good cholesterol (HDL) increase the risk of getting CAD. A healthy diet can help lower bad cholesterol levels.
- Chronic kidney disease
If there is a case of kidney disease, then you are more likely to be at risk for heart disease. It is further linked to high BP and CAD. If there is a problem with your kidney, you should schedule a visit with a nephrologist and a cardiologist in Delhi.
- History of heart diseases in the family
Studies after studies have shown that certain types of heart diseases are genetic. Most Indians are genetically prone to CAD – 10-15% of all CAD, compared to 2-5% reported in Western populations, also at a young age (aged less than 45 years in men and less than 50 years in women). Experts think that CAD can start very early on – perhaps in childhood.
- Peripheral arterial disease
It is a condition when the arteries, which are blood vessels delivering oxygen-rich blood from your heart to other body parts, are either clogged or have developed plaque lining. Plaque can start to collect along the blood vessels as a young child and build up as you get older. This collection of plaque makes the inner walls of your arteries sticky and easy for other things like inflammatory cells, lipoproteins, calcium to attach to the plaque and cause further thickening. It then puts pressure on the arteries to work harder to send the blood to all parts of the body.
- Inactive lifestyle
Exercise plays a major role in overall health but more so in preventing and treating heart diseases. Suppose you have never done any exercise and lived a sedentary lifestyle. In that case, you need to check with your cardiologist in Delhi before starting any exercise as it may cause harm than help your heart condition and health. As advised, start slow and then ramp up the duration of exercise. Else rather than becoming a boon, it could become a curse!
Since the treatment for heart diseases includes some easy and simple actions, it is crucial not to miss regular medical check-ups to pick up early signs of heart disease. It can be important for better heart health. So it’s imperative to find a cardiologist in Delhi at the earliest upon a showing of the one or more signs mentioned above and schedule an appointment. The cardiologist’s regular physical examinations can help them diagnose the onset of heart diseases and suggest the next course of action.