Using the right Property Management Software a landlord can carry out rental background checks of prospective tenants and applicants. Such a software system also facilitates the homeowner in online rental collection.

Reliable software aid landowners carry out different types of background checks on applicants –
- checks pertaining to the credit status and history of the applicant,
- checks pertaining to the current sources of income, his monthly income and work history with the existing employer
- details of his filings of tax returns
- checks on criminal record and past history of involvement
- checks on the applicants’ involvement in terrorist activities, sex offences and even featuring of the applicants’ name in FBI’s Most Wanted list
- checks court records
- tracing the history of the applicant’s tenancy behaviour pertaining to his previous landlords
Other than the above, robust and steadfast property management software enables the owner to –
- Create online rental listings and manage the same.
- Have rental application forms filled up online by interested tenants.
- Facilitates online rental collection
These multitude services have made the life of hundreds of landlords easy and convenient in the country. Having said this, there are number of competitive software in the market today and it is a difficult choice for landlords. In order to choose the best one, it is important that the following criteria should be evaluated well before individual and commercial landlords take the final call –
- The on-board team is Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA) certified.
- Provide comprehensive report that is compliant with Fair Credit Report Act (FCRA).
- Provide for nationwide search facility
- Provides access to national database like National Sex Offender Registry, Terrorist Watch List etc.
- Support Social Security Number (SSN) verification.
- The pricing needs to be nominal. In fact the best in the industry usually provide free rental background check to landlords who use the entire software for conducting various activities online.
Landlords need to understand the importance and relevance of using the right software for screening applicants effectively and purposefully. Such backgrounds checks are crucial to ensure that the property given out on rent is handed over to the right people. As the adage goes that prevention is better than cure – getting tenants without verifying their past and background can give rise to perilous situations in the future.
The best way to protect your property and your reputation is to invest in the right property management software and carry out background checks of prospective tenants.