In class 9, students enter into the secondary stage of school education. The difficulty level starts rising and students are expected to follow a different approach to learning. Rote learning will no longer fulfill the purpose of education, and the students need to focus on building the concepts. If their concepts are strong they will start showing interest in that subject. This will help students in determining their career goals as well.

Study Tips for Building Strong Foundation in Class 9
In class 9, students are full of energy and are open to learning new things. They do not have any burden or pressure of board exams. So, they can utilize this time in an efficient manner. They should focus on the basics, especially if they are opting for the Science stream after class 10. Here are a few tips that will help students build a strong foundation.
1) Focus on Self Study
Students must build a habit of devoting 3-4 hours for self-study apart from the classrooms. Self-study will help them to understand the topics in a better way. They must revise the topics that are taught in the class on the same day and solve the questions by themselves. If they want to learn more about a particular topic then they should refer to extra study material.
2) Study from NCERT Books
The most trusted resource is NCERT textbook for CBSE students. They should study NCERT books first instead of going for other books which are available in the market. These books explain the topics in a simpler manner and are designed by a team of experts. The best way of studying NCERT books is by reading the theory part and then solving exercise problems. In subjects like Science, the questions are asked in a twisted way. In order to tackle such a situation, students can refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science.
3) Practice by Yourself
Practice is the only way to master any subject, especially Maths. Merely referring to the textbook will not help the students in scoring good marks. Instead, they should solve different types of problems from different resources. So, once the students are done with the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths, they should practice other reference books such as RD Sharma, RS Aggarwal and other entrance exam books. This will help them prepare for annual and entrance exams simultaneously.
4) Perform Practical and Activities
In the classroom, student learns the theory part of the subject. For subjects like Maths and Science practical’s/activities are equally important. CBSE has introduced Science practicals from class 9 to promote interest towards scientific discovery. Students should perform all the experiments to learn the application of the Science subject. This will help them in having a strong grasp over the concepts.
5) Clear your Doubts
Students must be clear with whatever they have studied. It’s normal for students to come across some doubts while studying. So, they must either discuss it with their friends or ask their teacher and sort it out the earliest. This will give them complete clarity of topic and also build confidence in them.
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