Coffee capsules for nespresso – If you are reading this then coffee must be a really big part of your life. There are more than just a few individuals that cannot really start a day without coffee. However sometimes life is not as permissive as we would like and we require this beverage fast. This is where brands like Nespresso come in, giving us high-quality coffee in a minute.
This brand became so massive that everyone knows about it and most people even know their motto “What else?” without even owning a Nespresso machine (that’s what I call effective marketing). This guide will pretty much tell you all you need to know about their different capsules and the flavors and aromas we can expect from each category. Experimenting with the huge amount of different varieties Nespresso has is always fun, but some people just want to know what to expect from each cup.
The 6 circles
Nespresso pods are separated into 6 categories: The Espresso capsules, Intenso capsules, Lungo capsules,+ Pure Origine capsules, Variation capsules, and finally the Decaffeinato capsules. Each one of these groups will offer a wide variety of flavors and aromas but share something in common. Allow us to explain each of them.

Espresso Capsules
These capsules, as their name states, are made for short coffees, exactly like espresso shots are usually served. They tend to have intense and powerful flavors, with great body and aromas. With a nice caffeine rush and several different capsules to really match whatever you need, be there a strong intensity of a softer one, you cannot go wrong with the type of capsule that made Nespresso what it is today.
Intenso Capsules
Intenso shares a lot of attributes with the Espresso capsules, mainly because it broke apart from it to become its own category. This variety is not for the faint of heart since they are as intense as the name implies. You will find full flavors, with really strong aromas and taste. We recommend this category to those in love with straight espressos or to use them as a base for things like cappuccinos and other beverages.
Lungo Capsules
This is the first category to focus on something else than short coffee or shots. The name means long, therefore we can expect them to be made for precisely that kind of coffee, also known as “tall”. You will be using double the amount of water, but funnily enough, it doesn’t make the coffee less intense. Obviously, it may not reach what the Intenso can, but do not expect this to be some kind of watery coffee without body. The Lungo is designed to use more water without losing quality and they will give you a rather strong experience.
Pure Origine Capsules
As the name may imply, these capsules are the search for purity when it comes to the origin of the coffee. Therefore instead of blending the coffee powder with other varieties, the Pure Origine capsules are made from coffee that comes from a specific place. That means the flavor of these capsules will represent the country they are from. They are similar to the Espresso ones when it comes to intensity and taste.
Variation Capsules
This category is not the oldest and it comes as an addition to bring a new mix into the table. The point of the Variation capsules is to mix flavors to create contrast. Some people may think this is bad, but it actually is amazing, it will give you a new idea of coffee and will truly become easy to love.
Decaffeinato Capsules
For most coffee lovers, caffeine is not an issue, but some people actually love coffee but not the effects of caffeine. In my personal opinion, Nespresso really went all-in with this one. The Decaffeinato category will bring coffee to everyone without the struggle that caffeine can be for some people. The extract the caffeine from the coffee used in these pods and keep the amazing taste of a proper cup of coffee. It doesn’t matter if you are allergic to caffeine or if you don’t want to drink coffee at night because you may stay awake, Nespresso has you covered with these capsules.
The Conclusion
Nespresso is a giant in the industry and their capsule system is, in my personal and professional opinion, the best around. They bring not only convenience but high quality for anyone and everyone. If you are wandering about where to buy Nespresso pods, then don’t worry as they are available very easily everywhere.
Something else that we may mention is the amazing build quality of their equipment and the amazing customer service. They even send you gifts when you been buying coffee from them for a while to show their gratitude.
Overall the Nespresso capsule system is here to stay and we are glad, it’s exactly what we need and in all honesty, for some people, it’s the only choice once they try it.