Ayurveda, The Embodiment Of Wellness

Ayurveda is an ancient healing practice. It works on the principle of making basic lifestyle adjustments for longevity and  wellness. To study ayurveda is an ingenious plan. It opens up a world of possibilities that do not involve addictive medicines or chemically induced products. They rely on natural substances for making their medicines. Thus, to study ayurveda will be instrumental in learning their different techniques and beliefs. 

These are alternative or complementary treatments used to fight malaise. 


By getting more acquainted with the philosophy of Ayurveda, we will be more equipped to help ourselves and others. Starting with self-healing, also commonly known as swasthavritta, we begin by imbibing the knowledge of restoring balance within us. 

By gathering the essential wisdom, we can start implementing these changes on ourselves first. This will give us an inkling on how to subjugate other people and assist them. It is absolutely fulfilling to help others. 

It may seem like an intricate task at the beginning, as does any novice concept. But eventually, as you start resonating and interpreting the language,it becomes easier. The discipline unearths various facets of cognizance and delves deeper into why people suffer. 

The locus of Ayurveda stresses on seeking our own path and sticking to a regimen best suited for you. It abstains from being carried away with fads.

Skilled personnel places weight on you as an individual. To not compare your life journey with anyone else, because you are one of a kind.  By resorting to another person’s diet or lifestyle journey will not heal your malaise. 

People often take up ayurvedic courses intended to help themselves and their families. Followed by those who give way to advanced training for professional practices. 


  1. It accelerates self- development and allows you to take charge of your own life, improve your well-being and align the imbalance in doshas. 
  2. Usage of natural remedies and medicines that are not addictive. 
  3. By imbibing vital skills such as nutrition, oil therapies, herbology, and cleansing we can assist not only our family and friends but also others in need. 
  4. Other in-depth education revolving around the study of pulse-rate, women’s health, Yoga psychology etc are very beneficial. 


With its array of benefits, Ayurveda is used as a complementary to allopathy. They cannot be consumed individually because of the lack of scientific testimony. The population of people consuming these medicines is on the rise. 

Some of the popularly employed practices include chiropractic massage, acupuncture and yoga. Consumption of vitamins and supplements is also highly commonplace.

It is also integrated with therapy. There is an evidence that suggests a positive impact on the mental and physical health of people by combining therapy with ayurveda. Furthermore, yoga is recommended  for stress alleviation and relaxation. 

Integrating it with health psychology entails healthy eating habits, positive body image and hypnotherapy. By inculcating mindfulness training, we can sight more positive symptoms. 

CAM therapies have been found to be secure and effective. There are multitude clinical cancer trials ongoing to evaluate the importance of CAM in cancer treatments. 


Always consult a professional before consumption because not all natural products work the same way for everyone. The dosage may fluctuate as it is taken in combination with allopathy. Additionally try reading up and researching more about the course of treatment that you are pursuing. 


The use of ayurveda has definitely accelerated in the past years. By learning and excelling in this stream it would be advantageous. Becoming well-versed with their practices, by taking a deeper look at the history and principles will go a long way. The promotion of a sound body and mind deeply relies on Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Homeopathy and Naturopathy also fall under ayurveda. Naturopathy is still at a developing stage and is not an ancient practise. 

Ayurgenomics is a recent branch of study that is encumbered by the gap between genomics and ayurveda and trying to diminish it. They focus on the study on inter-individual differences in patients from similar ethnic backgrounds. 

The only factors that put them at a disadvantage is the lack of scientific testimony combined lack with the growth in contemporary times. They are still very rigid in their practices. But the fact that they have existed for thousands  of years, implies their deep effectiveness. Making Ayurveda a lifestyle choice will have crucially positive repercussions.

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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.