Did you know that the soap that you use daily contains toxins? Have you ever give importance to the ingredients which are used in the making of your regular soap? Did you ever get a chance to look at the label printed on the pack of your soap? Even if your soap or the body wash says, natural body wash or soap, have you ever checked the certification?
If you haven’t read the ingredients used in the making of your soap yet, then this is exactly the right time to do it? Why? To understand what you are dabbing on your skin daily! Chemicals in the regular soaps or body washes are no joke. If you want to buy shop online, then visit Soapy Butter Co.
And, most of such chemicals are bad for the skin, and even for our health, as they have the potential to promote allergies or to disturb hormones. The chemical soaps can actually have severe side effects; therefore, we have to be particular about selecting any skincare cosmetic product or personal care product.
What goes into the making of your chemical soap?
Parabens are the biggest culprits. Parabens are dangerous estrogen mimickers. They can even get into the bloodstream and cause issues like disturbing the hormones. Also, such harmful Parabens do no good to the skin.
Apart from Parabens, Sulfates are quite harmful as well, and they are used to generate more bubbles in the soap, basically the lather. SLS and SLES are the most common sulfates used in the making of soaps. They are responsible for creating various skin allergies also.
On the other hand, when it comes to natural handmade soaps India, they contain the only natural oils and ingredients. And, much soap even contains harmful artificial fragrances. Such smells are just added to lure you, and they are nothing but a bunch of chemicals.
Things like, phthalates are used, which are extremely harmful to our health and well-being. Artificial fragrances can even cause asthma. Whereas, when it comes to natural skin care products or the handmade soaps India, they contain only the natural smell of the ingredients.
Have you ever tried a handmade soap? Isn’t it far better than your regular chemical-laden soap?
Once you start using a handmade soap, you will quickly find the difference between the chemical soap and the herbal soap. First of all, you would surely love the natural smell of the natural oils and the herbs used in the making of handmade soaps.
Also, you would feel a lot more relaxed at the end of the day. You would be satisfied to use herbal products; as such products don’t have any side-effects. Also, such soaps will not help you cleanse, but also enrich your skin!
Moisturize, cleanse & soothe your body skin with the natural handmade soaps made up of natural and organic ingredients. The market of handmade soap manufacturers and exporters is flourishing.
The key driving factor is the rising awareness of people and the rising demand for natural skin care products. It is quite evident from many stats that the market of herbal soap manufactures is only going to grow and grow.