Alphabet Inc. Subsidiary Google is Going to Face Oracle for 8.8 Billion Dollars claim upcoming Week

After a long time period of six years, Oracle is finally successful in brining Google in court. Google is going to face Oracle for 8.8 billion dollars claim because Oracle claims that Google overstepped the copyrights.

Alphabet Inc. Subsidiary Google is Going to Face Oracle for 8.8 Billion Dollars claim upcoming Week

Why Google is Going to Face Oracle for 8.8 Billion Dollars Claim:

The amount 8.8 billion dollars is a huge amount. But why should Google pay to Oracle? The story behind it starts back to 2010. The clash began in the year 2010. Google used a source code of Java programming language. But the problem is that Java programming language is owned by Oracle Corporation. So, Google is going to face Oracle for 8.8 billion dollars claim.

Google used java programming language for an interface specific for android. Android is a world-wide operating system used in smart phones. When Oracle came to know about this copyrights infringement, Oracle Corporation blamed the company Google to use Java for android. They also try to find out the damages.

After all the blaming game from Oracle, Google debated that it should be permissible to use java programming language if someone is using it with fair intensions. But this debate continued and Oracle has filed a case against Google. Oracle Corporation acquired Java programming language after purchasing it from Sun Microsystems in the year 2010.

History of Previous Trials:

According to the case history in 2012, the panel could not come to an agreement about this case. They said that the use of source code was involved in the copyright infringement.

But Oracle did not leave the case. Later on, they appealed again in 2014. The federal government at that time reversed the previous decision made by last jury. They decided that the source code used by Google could be a way of copyrights infringement.

At the present day, Google appealed that the use of source code could fall in the fair use principle. If the federal panel decides to dismiss the argument of Google, they will consider the claim of Oracle damages.

The spokesman of both companies denied to comment on the case yet. But, we will see who will win this case in front of the panel.


If Oracle Corporation wins the case and Google has to pay 8.8 billion dollars against a source code. That would not disturb the Google’s revenue system. This is because it will have a very minor effect on the giant company like Google. In 2015, Google generated 75 billion dollars revenue. So, 8.8 billion dollars won’t be an issue for Google. Now next week we will see if Google is going to face Oracle for 8.8 billion dollars claim.

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