Congratulations! The faint pink line on that pregnancy strip is telling you something. Yes, you are blessed and privileged with the lives happiest blessing, you are a mother-to-be.

Once you’ve got pregnancy test signaling positive, expecting a flood of emotions ranging from fear to complete bliss, don’t worry it’s all pretty normal.
Pregnancy is undoubtedly a gamut of emotions. Concerns about finances, will I be a good mother conundrum, pregnancy pains and discomfort, labor and delivery, everything begins to flash through the mind. And it’s likely for anyone to get into a panic mode.
But don’t take it too hard, you’ll get enough time to figure everything out but for now bask in this precious moment, take deep breathe and celebrate.
This 9-month marathon will get you the biggest reward, your very own baby but to reach that ultimate destiny some pains and discomforts are likely to come your way. The inevitable discomforts that accompany with nurturing a tiny human like heartburn, backache, insomnia, morning sickness, varicose veins, and the all-too-long list of not so good pregnancy nuisances.
Truly, this journey is a roller coaster of physical and emotional changes that expectant moms have to go through. Not possible to eliminate them completely though but there are ways to help ensure a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby so you cherish every ounce of growing a brand new human inside.
9 Tips to ensure a smooth healthy pregnancy
For your pregnancy marathon these 9 tips will help greatly in reducing any discomforts and nurturing a healthy baby.
Schedule a prenatal appointment
Prenatal care is definitely the most essential part of a healthy pregnancy. Visiting your health care provider early and regularly will increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
Prenatal visits will help your health care provider monitor you and your baby’s health which will help prevent any underlying complications. Make sure to get all the recommended tests done, and see your caregiver regularly.
Eat a heart- healthy diet
Going gaga for hot dogs and candy corn is pretty common during pregnancy. Study show that 90 percent of pregnant women have food cravings. But it doesn’t mean that you get a green signal to indulge in unhealthy eating.
Balanced diet is crucial for everyone but for pregnant women much stress is laid on incorporating healthy food choices. Why? Not a brainer! You are growing another human inside your body that solely relies on you for its growth and development, so eating wisely is wise.
Talk to your clinician about foods that are beneficial during pregnancy, also ask about foods that you should avoid. Plan your meals accordingly to ensure that the developing fetus gets all the nutrients it needs.
Take your prenatal vitamins regularly
It is commonly observed that many pregnant women skip their recommended prenatal vitamins, not a good thing to do with yourself and your growing baby. These medications are vital as they compensate for any deficiencies in the body, so make sure that you pop your prenatal supplements regularly.
Prioritize your Sleep
Sleep is a time where the body heals and replenishes itself. During pregnancy as the body is on double duty, it is advised to have few hours of extra sleep than normal. According to experts by practicing good sleep hygiene expectant mothers can help give their baby healthy and full term birth.
Unfortunately most women find it hard to get a good sleep during pregnancy. Blame pregnancy hormones which play a part in the prevalence of sleep disorders but it is essential to get 8-10 hours of sleep daily.
Carve out ways to fit sleep as a priority every day. Take naps whenever possible, set early bedtime routine and practice to sleep on your left side to improve the blood flow and nutrients to your fetus.
Accentuate positive attitude
Science has backed that positive thinking has numerous health benefits for mother and the baby. Women who accentuate positive attitude can focus on eating healthy, they sleep well, and stay active. Positive thinking also increases the chances of carrying full-term and having a healthy baby. Experts suggest exercise, meditation, and prayers to ditch the negative thoughts and go positive during this phase.
Shower some Self-love
That pregnancy glow, lustrous hair, and sky rocketing self- esteem look good on TV and ads but unfortunately the reality is quite the opposite. Weight gain, acne, stretch marks, varicose veins, and an on-going list of not-so-good pregnancy symptoms make this marathon quite rough for many expectant mothers.
With ever changing body and mounting numbers on scale it’s darn difficult to feel good but remember it’s just a phase and will pass. You’re growing a human; you deserve to be loved and cared.
Go get prenatal massages, join pregnancy yoga or parenting class, have a new haircut, snap up your favorite perfume for women, invest in well-fitting maternity clothes, splurge on healthy treats, girl you deserve it.
Make sure to Stay hydrated
During pregnancy the blood volume increases up to 50 percent, therefore staying well hydrated is crucial to support that gain. Drinking enough fluids can also help get rid of constipation, fatigue, hemorrhoids, headache, heartburn, and other pregnancy nuisances? Aim for at least 8 or 10 8-ounce glasses of fluids every day.
Keep Moving
Being active is good for you and your baby. Staying active during pregnancy has a ton of benefits including better sleep, strengthen cardiovascular system, boost in energy and mood, and less complications during pregnancy.
For healthy pregnant women swimming, brisk walking, indoor stationary cycling and low-impact aerobics are considered safe and an excellent way to stay active and fit. For those with any medical complications it is advisable to check with your healthcare provider before beginning an exercise program.
Things to avoid
Like pregnancy do’s there are don’ts too. Following things should be avoided during the duration of pregnancy to shun any complications. Alcohol in any amount is no-no, stay away from pesticides, Say bye-bye to saunas, Jacuzzis and tanning beds. Steer clear of tobacco smoke. For coffee addicts sticking to less than 200 milligrams a day is recommended. Only eat well cooked meat. Avoid refrigerated pates, deli meat and hot dogs. Refrain from unpasteurized milk and cheese. Last but not the least, don’t clean cat’s litter box and let anybody else do the honors during your pregnancy.