We used to think that it’s recommended to drink eight glasses of water each day, that natural body detox is impossible without water or that sufficient water intake contributes to beautiful and healthy skin. However, studies suggest that not all of these statements are true. Below are seven myths and facts about water which might not be true. Let’s look at them more closely.

1. We need to drink at least eight glasses of water per day
In truth, we don’t need to drink eight glasses every day. Despite the fact that on average women and men are advised to drink eight glasses of liquid per day, it doesn’t mean drinking strictly water. Soup, tea, watery vegetables, and even coffee must be taken into account.
2. Water removes toxins from the body
Yes, water removes toxins from your body. Our natural detox system (that is kidneys) needs water to get rid of the by-products of various chemical processes. And if the body lacks water, metabolic waste will be removed but not as efficiently as it could be. The toxin accumulation can lead to some unpleasant but not dangerous side effects such as acne.
3. Water moisturizes the skin from the inside
Although it was believed for a long time that drinking enough water could improve skin, there is still no scientific evidence for this. You’ll never fight dry skin only with the help of water. Water which we consume is usually used by our internal organs, while the epidermis needs a moisturizer.
4. Water intake contributes to weight loss
Yes, you really can get rid of extra pounds with the help of water. Although the water itself doesn’t cause weight loss, it can help you get rid of excess weight by optimizing digestion and reducing the total number of calories in the diet (if you replace a glass of sweet soda with a glass of water). In addition, water can increase the sense of satiety during meals and thus prevents overeating. Finally, sometimes our body confuses thirst with hunger. Think about it.
5. Thirst is always a sign of dehydration
If you are thirsty, you may drink water but this doesn’t always mean that your body is dehydrated. We usually get thirsty when the body water level drops by 2%. And although according to some data, this can be considered dehydration, most experts agree that the body is dehydrated when it loses 5% of water or more. You definitely have no reason to panic.
6. It’s possible to drink too much water
Yes, this statement is true. Patients with certain diseases may increase the risk of complications if they drink too much water. This applies to people with some heart diseases, high blood pressure, and serious kidney problems. In addition, it’s not recommended to drink a lot of water during meals since it dilutes stomach acid and can cause digestive problems.
7. It’s not recommended to drink water from plastic bottles
Yes, but only if you reuse the plastic bottle. According to research, a plastic bottle leaches chemicals into the water. The more you use the same plastic bottle, the more chemicals it leaches into the water.