7 Holiday Party Hosting Tips for Outdoor Space

Holiday Party Hosting Tips for Outdoor Space

Holiday Party Hosting Tips for Outdoor Space

As the weather gets colder, we want to spend more time indoors. But an outdoor party can be just as fun as an indoor one. In fact, it’s usually easier to host and plan for an outdoor holiday party than it is to throw a traditional indoor one. If you have a backyard or patio that you can use this season, here are some ideas for how to make the most of it:

Plan for different weather scenarios.

As you plan your party, keep in mind that the weather is unpredictable. You may be able to control some aspects of the outdoor space—for example, by bringing in a few large umbrellas or creating a covered area with shade cloth—but it’s better to plan for different weather scenarios.

Depending on where you live, the weather can be very unpredictable during the summer months. If it’s cool and rainy when your guests arrive, they’ll be delighted at being warmly greeted by a cosy fire pit. And if it turns out to be sunny and hot for most of their stay? A quick trip back inside will make them feel rejuvenated (and you can chill out too!).

You could also consider having an emergency “rain room,” where guests can go if bad weather suddenly arrives during the event; this might be another room inside your home or just undercover on your deck or patio area.

If possible, don’t hold important meetings outdoors unless there are contingency plans in place should inclement conditions make them difficult—or impossible—to conduct indoors afterwards.

Remember the season.

You’ll need to be mindful of the season you’re hosting in, which will affect every aspect of your event. From decorations and food to clothing and entertainment, there are many considerations that will help you create a memorable party for everyone. 

The weather is also one of the important parts to consider. No matter where you live or what kind of space you have available, the time of year always affects what kind of party is appropriate. If it’s wintertime and snowing outside, then guests aren’t going to want to run around outside much. They’ll probably be more inclined towards staying inside by your fire pit or indoors where they can visit with others without having their feet freeze on them. However, if it’s July and unbearably hot outside then maybe it’s better if all activities take place inside (because no one wants to roast).

Look at recent weather patterns before deciding on anything too specific—that way when things start heating up (or cooling down), you won’t have any surprises.

Use pizza oven for outdoor fireplace.

If you’re hosting an outdoor holiday party this year and are looking for a way to add some extra fun to your festivities, consider the pizza oven for an outdoor fireplace! What used to be reserved for backyard barbecues has become increasingly popular in recent years as a focal point of indoor spaces. 

A pizza oven is also a great addition to any outdoor space. Its unique design creates a dramatic centrepiece that will make all of your guests jealous. It can be used for more than just pizza. You can grill up some steaks on it or even use it as an outdoor fireplace if you prefer grilling over lighting a real fire. If you want to go all out but don’t have enough space inside, set up an area where people can hang out around the oven itself and chat while they wait for their food.

Use lighting to create an atmosphere.

Lighting can make a huge difference in the atmosphere of your space. The right lighting can help your guests feel more intimate, or more open and airy. It can create a specific mood that you want to set for your party, or it can be used to highlight a feature of your outdoor space—like a fire pit, water feature or hanging lights overhead.

Keep guests warm and cosy.

There are lots of ways to keep your guests from getting chilly while they enjoy the outdoors. You can use a heater or fire pit. These options can be used in conjunction with others if you prefer.

Moreover, you can use blankets and pillows on furniture like benches and chairs to make them more comfortable for sitting, which will encourage people to spend more time outside rather than retreating inside due to the cold. If you have enough blankets available (and enough people willing to help), why not create cosy sleeping corners using pillows? This is especially fun if you have an outdoor fireplace or hearth area.

If possible, use heat lamps around your deck or patio if it’s a particularly chilly night. You don’t want anyone catching a cold because they’re unable to stay warm during their holiday celebrations.

 You can also go with portable heating sources like electric space heaters that can be moved around easily as needed throughout the course of each party so everyone’s happy. Or maybe consider going all out with one big ol’ fire pit where everyone gathers together around its warmth.

Designate a space for bundling up and taking off winter gear.

Whether you’re planning a cocktail party or a more formal dinner, it’s important to designate space for guests to put on and take off winter gear. You can use hooks or cubbies to keep items organized and accessible. 

If you have limited space, consider creating a designated area outdoors where guests can remove their coats and boots before entering the main space of your home. This also allows the guests to store all of their belongings in one place so they don’t have as much clutter inside your house. If you want it even easier on yourself, keep an extra stash of hats and gloves on hand (and maybe even offer some festive holiday-themed ones).

Utilize your space with comfortable seating.

When it comes to outdoor spaces, there are a few things you can do to ensure your guests will be comfortable. First off, make sure you include seating options that accommodate all types of guests. This may mean having chairs and benches for adults, but also including stools and pillows so that children can sit at the same level as their parents. For those who are elderly or disabled, consider adding additional lower-height seating options like ottomans or even a hammock (if you’re feeling adventurous).


Whether you’re planning an outdoor holiday party or just looking for some tips to make your next backyard gathering a little more festive, these ideas will help. From easy-to-find decor to fire pits and food prep tips, this article covered all the bases here—even including what types of drinks go best with fall weather. Now that you know what equipment to source and how to set up your space so it suits the occasion best, there’s no turning back. You’re officially ready to throw one heck of a party.

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Article Author Details

Monica Lee

Monica is a passionate traveller and content creator. Her interests including outdoor activities, fitness, technology, entrepreneurship and everything in between.