Many students around the world are facing the problems of an unhealthy lifestyle, especially those who live in hostels and rented apartments. They consume junk food, along with fizzy beverages which makes them very unfit. Not to mention that the only thing they do to move their bodies is when they go to classes.

The unhealthy lifestyle can also affect their cognitive function and alertness in class, hence hindering their academic performance. Due to this, students need to exercise regularly, take part in sports, or join a fitness center to take care of their health.
To do that while also making their life more interesting, here are seven apps that will help you be a sporty student:
MapMyRun is an app the runners use to track their progress and daily running activity. It will record the path you are taking when you go out for a job, your classes, or a run. That will help you when running in a place you aren’t familiar with as you will easily find your path back to the dormitory or apartment.
You can use it as a source of motivation as MapMyRun also keeps track of the speed and distance you did. You will also get to know the calories you burnt when running that distance at the speed you ran. It doesn’t do much other than what is mentioned above, but it is a great way to monitor and keep track of the fitness level you have.
After you run from a long-distance run, take rest, have fruits and protein shakes to boost up your energy. If college and university work is on your mind, don’t worry about it. Hire online essay writers from a quality paper writing service to get superior papers, thesis, dissertation and term papers.
My Virtual Mission
Reaching short-term objectives also help very much with the morale and the work you put in. My Virtual Mission is an app that promotes setting short-term objectives and achieving them. After every bit you do, there will be a sense of accomplishment. This applies especially when you have a longer-term goal.
By mapping out a long-distance mission using My Virtual Mission and using its features to record the progress you make will continue inspiring you. The long-distance missions you can include are running, walking, swimming, or cycling. You can even share the progress with friends and family hence incorporating a competitive spirit if you are open for that.
Strava is a great fitness tracking app to monitor your performance by recording the time and distance you covered. You also get access to quick and effective workout schedules. The workout exercises that are entailed by this app are over 350 and aren’t discriminative about the level of experience the user has.
Strava also has a comprehensive meal planner that is tailor-made for the specific needs you have. You also get motivation every day as well as fitness trainer tips and activity tracking all in one app. It is mostly recommended for cyclists, but any type of fitness activity goes and you can only choose the workout schedules that you like.
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FIT Radio Workout Music
Scientific research on the effects of different frequencies has shown that all frequencies affect our mood and productivity. The bottom line is that since music also emits frequencies, it can also be used in workout sessions.
Have you ever recognized the music played at gyms? The speed and tone it has is usually consistent with the main objective of any gym, making you break a sweat. FIT Radio Workout Music uses this powerful factor to help its users become more active when working out.
The tempo from the music mixed by top 100 charting DJs can increase productivity during gym time and improve your overall workout.
Studio Tone It Up
Most students don’t have the money to hire a personal trainer who will help them reach their fitness goals. Some don’t even have money to pay monthly gym subscription to get access to that certain level of professional help. That might discourage some students and they might give up on their fitness goals.
Studio Tone It Up is like the personal trainer in your pocket that will help you achieve the goals you have set for yourself. It works on body toning specifically and has fitness plans for all levels of fitness designed by professional fitness trainers.
The only downside it has is that it doesn’t offer anything to individuals that would like to lose weight due to obesity.
C25K 5K Trainer
C25K 5K trainer is an app with a great reputation as millions of users succeeded when using it. Apart from its beautiful user interface, it is very useful and motivates its users to accomplish more of their fitness goals.
Its core features are analytical data of the calories burnt and the distance that was covered during that workout. To source motivation from it, the app has real-life transformations enabling you to see that it is possible for you also to transform.
The app also integrates with social media, giving you insights on how other people are performing while using the app. You can also upload the progress you made ever since you started using it. You also get an audio coach that explains the workout procedures and has an inbuilt alert notifications feature.
Freeletics Bodyweight
Using Freeletics Bodyweight to reach the full potential you have of losing weight or toning up that body is a great choice. With Freeletics Bodyweight, you can work out anywhere at any time, helping you not break rhythm from the workout schedule on the app. It has nutrition support features to help you eat right in conjunction with a great workout schedule.
The turnaround time is quite quick, especially when you use both the features of this app hand in hand. The workout schedule is designed based on the bodyweight of the user and they are usually brief, from 10 to 30 minutes. You also get feedback about the performance of the entire workout, motivating you to do more.
In conclusion
All of these tools detailed here are great for students that would like to be more fit and set fitness goals for themselves. Some of them substitute the need for going to the gym and they are very useful and highly effective. Choose the one that you see works the best for you and the goals you have set for yourself. In conjunction with the fitness goals outlined here above, you should also be determined to reach your fitness goals.