5 Ways To Motivate Your Employees

5 Ways To Motivate Employees SuccessfullyMany managers think that a paycheck should be motivation enough to show up to work and do a good job. Supervisors who get the best results from their employees, however, are those who actively seek ways to motivate them to excel. If you want to know how to motivate your employees, start with these five tips.

5 Ways To Motivate Your Employees

1. Keep Accurate Records

Accurate records may not seem very inspiring, but consider what happens when a boss is disorganized and doesn’t seem to know what’s going on. If you don’t know where you are, it’s hard to lead to where you’re going. When you keep up with employees’ time and progress reports, it can make them more confident in you as a leader. This is not to say this is an easy task. There is likely a lot going on in your office or at your job site. You can use technology to help you. For instance, a construction foreman can utilize a construction daily report app to keep track of employee safety, project progress, payroll and timesheet records. This ensures that you always know what’s going on with the people you supervise while making it easy for them to clock in/out of their shifts and have payroll compliance run smoothly. 

2. Extend Trust

While it’s important to know what is happening at the workplace, you also need to trust people to do their jobs. No one likes micromanagers who are so busy checking up on their employees that they hardly have time to do anything else. Not only is this a waste of the company’s resources, it also can be demoralizing to your staff. Rather than inspiring hard work and motivate your employees, it inspires nervousness and resentment. Instead, establish an environment of trust between yourself and those you supervise. You hired them for a reason. It just makes sense to give them the space to fulfill that potential and helps you better motivate your employees while giving them room to grow and do their jobs.

3. Tap Into Their Strengths

Every person on your team has a unique set of skills that make him or her well-suited for certain tasks. Spend time getting to know your employees well enough that you know what personal strengths they bring to the table. Find people who are particularly good at organization to head up smaller projects. The employee with a keen eye for detail should always be on your quality control board. By giving as many team members as possible the chance to do what they do best, you can increase their confidence in the work they do. It also shows them that you pay attention and understand who they are as employees. This understanding can be the basis of a strong professional relationship.

4. Show How They Fit

Many workers end up leaving a job, not because they disliked their coworkers or boss or because they didn’t get paid enough, but rather because they didn’t feel like they contributed much to the company. People want to know that they make a difference. By demonstrating how they fit into the company culture, you give them a purpose for being there. You can do this in several ways. Recognize specific contributions they make. Ask for their input and use it to help make important decisions. Schedule individual meetings wherein you discuss their progress and reiterate how much the work they do matters to you. Giving employees a clear picture of how they fit in helps them be more engaged with their work.

5. Provide Professional Development

How to motivate employees as a manager – A good manager realizes that his or her employees won’t stay at their current jobs forever. While you want to avoid frequent turnover, you also want to hire dynamic people who inevitably will grow out of the positions they’re in. Rather than fighting to keep them where they are, inspire them to reach higher by providing professional development opportunities. Talk to your employees about their career goals. If possible, arrange a day when they can mirror someone who holds a position to which they aspire. Bring in speakers and professional trainers to help them learn new skills to further their careers.

Being a good manager basically boils down to trusting and valuing your employees. These tips can help you inspire them to do their best work and help you motivate your employees genuinely and effectively. 

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.