5 Tips For Creating the Perfect Bedroom Space
The most personal space that exists in your life is your bedroom. Your bedroom is where you keep items that are meant specifically for you, such as your clothes, your jewelry, your reading materials, and more. If your bedroom is serving as a quasi multifunctional space, things can get chaotic fast, and when things get chaotic, they can lead to loss of productive time and loss of sleep time. If your bedroom is getting out of control, here are some tips for you to tame your space so that it once again becomes the perfect place to store your personal items and get plenty of shut-eye.
If your organization method consists of creating a tall pile of everything on the surface of your dresser, you need to be honest with yourself and admit you don’t really have an organization method. But that’s okay because once you install a drawer organizer in each of your drawers you will. You also need closet organization. Along with drawer organizers, invest in hanging organizers for your closet. Everything on top of your dresser and on your closet floor needs a home. These things can’t continue to exist in a pile, because you can’t continue digging every time you need to find the perfect pair of earrings or the Rudolph socks you haven’t seen since two Christmases ago. Having your bedroom devoid of clutter serves many purposes. Not only can you find your things, but your bedroom also looks nice. When you aren’t surrounded by clutter you also sleep better because your brain is no longer nagging you to clean it up.
Lighting comes in two modes: natural and ambient. Your bedroom needs to be able to control both. You have a light on the ceiling, but you shouldn’t use this light when preparing for bed. You need a bedside lamp you can dim as you prepare for bed. This will help your body anticipate the circadian rhythm that will eventually help you sleep. Whether you want to sleep in or it’s the time of year that daylight comes at 6 a.m., you need blackout curtains on your window. Blackout curtains will provide you with complete control over your bedroom lighting so you can always get the full amount of sleep you require.
You want to control the way your bedroom smells. If it smells dusty and dingy, then most likely it is. Give your bedroom a good head-to-toe scrubbing with each change in the season. Not only will this help with your seasonal allergies, but it will be more inviting at bedtime. Invest in a good diffuser or scented candles for a pleasant aroma that will not only smell good while you’re in your room, but will carry with you through the days on your clothes. If you opt for candles, always be careful that you don’t light them at bedtime, and never leave them alone while they’re in use.
Temperatures can fluctuate in a bedroom as the central heat and air cycle on and off. If you find that you wake up hot at different times of the night, a ceiling or floor fan might help. It also helps to prevent the air from feeling stagnant. Even if you don’t need to sleep with the fan on, letting it run at least once a day can help circulate the air in your room to help it feel more comfortable.
- Mattress
The last little touch your bedroom needs is a good mattress. Experts say you should switch out mattresses every 6 to 8 years. The type of mattress you have will also be a factor. Some mattresses won’t last that long while others will last longer. If you find you’re waking up sore, that could be the first sign that it’s time to do something about your sleep furniture.
Your bedroom is your haven. Treat it that way. Keep it clean and smelling fresh. Make sure you can control the light levels for a good night of sleep, and for the best night of sleep, make sure you have the right level of comfort in your mattress so your bedroom becomes the ultimate dreamland.