Are you worried that drinking beer will result in nothing more than just a pot belly?

Well, after reading this article, you won’t feel guilty for craving a cold beer after a long day at work.
Numerous studies have shown that beer can actually boost your health. From strengthening your bones to reducing the risk of heart disease and much more.
So the next time you want to crack open a cold one, here’s some of the benefits that drinking beer in moderation can help with.
1 – Lowers Cholesterol Levels
Beer, as hinted above, is known to have some properties that make it healthy or the heart in terms of reducing cholesterol levels.
This is after a study showed that two drinks for men and one for women could help lower cholesterol. The findings were presented to the American Heart Association with other studies have been conducted to confirm the same.
Barley contains polyphenols, which is a micronutrient that has been linked with lowering cholesterol levels. Modest beer-drinking might be able to improve your lipid profile. Do remember that the recommended amount per day is 12 ounces for women and two 12-ounce servings for men.
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2 – Reduces The Risk of Diabetes
According to a study conducted on 70,000+ Danish individuals, drinking wine or beer on a moderate basis is linked to reducing the risk of diabetes.
The ability of alcohol to maintain a steady cholesterol level mat may have played a role in lowering diabetes risk. But further research needs to be done to ascertain this. According to experts, only 3 to 4 drinks per week need to be consumed for the best results.
Detox expert Janine Castle explains however, “you must carefully consider your medical history and the kind of alcohol you drink. Individuals who consume hard alcohol are at a higher risk of developing diabetes. When it comes to alcohol, moderation is crucial.”
3 – Helps You Live Longer
Research ideally suggests that drinking beer can help prolong your life.
Moderate beer drinking has shown a positive effect on lifespans.
According to a study presented by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, drinking two glasses of beer per day contributed to an 18% drop in an individual’s risk of early death.
Which means drinking beer may boost the health of your bones, brain, heart and lower the risk of come conditions.
4 – Improves Bone Health
According to experts, beer can ideally help strengthen your bones.
According to a study conducted in 2010, researchers found that the silicon content present in beer helps boost bone growth as well the connective tissue growth. It can ideally help prevent osteoporosis, a condition that deteriorates the bones.
Researchers ideally said that beer containing high levels of malted barley and hops provide the most benefits. So, if you are looking to boost your bone health and like to enjoy beer, consider taking in a rich Indian Pale Ale.
5 – Helps Prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
Hops – a plant used in brewing beer – contains a compound that can protect the brain more that scientists initially thought. Beer is usually perceived as a bad drink in society and partly in the scientific realm.
Luckily, there is good news where hops are concerned. And as one of the main ingredients of beer that’s good news. Hops have been known to help with slowing the development of cognitive conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It contains a compound that protects neuronal cells, thus slowing brain problems.
As you can see, there are many surprising benefits of beer consumption.
Keep in mind that you can only enjoy them when you take beer in a moderate fashion.