5 most influential signs and symptoms of Kidney Cancer; Kidney cancer is really such an influential cancer that is the most common in the men who are over fifty. Kidney cancer, however, doesn’t cause any specific sign or symptom in the earlier stages because of the fewer nerve system and it is easy to grow for the cancer tumor without causing any notable pain.
Symptoms of Kidney Cancer:
But in the later stages, there are various signs and symptoms that can signal a kidney cancer and must be needed medical care. Kidney cancer is common cancer, especially in elder people. The most common signs include blood in the urine, back pain, loss of weight or appetite, a lump or mass in the abdomen and the feelings of fatigue.
Here is the detail of some most common symptoms of kidney cancer:
Having Blood in the Urine (Hematuria):
The most common sign of kidney cancer that is observed by the kidney cancer association is that the patient experiences blood in his/her urine. This is also called Hematuria.
In this case, the patient may see different discoloration in his/her blood such as pink, red, or brownish. The amount of blood can be different in different patients depending upon their condition. There are, however, some other reasons of blood in the urine such as bladder infection, cysts, kidney stone, or even inflammation. Symptoms of kidney cancer must be concerned to the doctor immediately, so if you see blood in your urine, you must contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Fatigue and the feelings of discomfort or uneasiness (malaise):
Fatigue and discomfort are one of the famous symptoms of kidney cancer; however, all cancer patients feel fatigue in different cancer stages. It is to be noted that the fatigue during cancer is different than in the normal condition like feeling tired.
The fatigue, in the cancer patients, generally causes a person irritable and weak. Lacking the red blood cells called anemia is also a major reason of fatigue that lease the patient pale. The patient feeling such symptoms should be investigated by a doctor.
Back or Side Pain or Pressure:
This sign is generally experienced at the later stages of the kidney cancer patients because most of the people don’t feel pain in the earlier stages.
The pain or just pressure, caused by the kidney cancer, can be felt in different places such as the area above the pelvis, one side of the flan, and below the ribs. The pain can range from an ache to severe level.
Having loss of weight and appetite or suffering from fever:
Loss of weight or less appetite is also included in the symptoms of kidney cancer. The weight loss could be sudden and unexpected that is usually happen rapidly without any practice of losing weight.
The patient of a kidney cancer may lose interest in eating and other activities. Symptoms of kidney cancer may also be determined by unexpected fever.
A mass or lump that is usually felt in the abdomen:
Another major symptom of kidney cancer is a mass or lump in the abdomen. It is the warning sign of kidney cancer because it is felt deep in the abdomen.
A diagnostic test may require to by your doctor to detect an actual lump in the abdomen because lumps are always nerve-wracking that could not be a sign of cancer.