Hunger for Instant results in business makes us blind and pushes us to carelessness, which is the cause for mistakes. It increases when it comes to lead generation.

So here we are going to talk about 5 common mistakes which occur for most of the business players while trying to achieve their customer goals.
- Data Collection Method
- Data Capturing within the website
- Burning Cash in Poor Quality Data
- Separate Scores for Behavioural and Demographic Values
- Repetition of your Lead Generation Model
1. Data Collection Method
It doesn’t matter how much you are putting your effort into it, but there is no perfect lead generation method. It will be a long shot if you are adding your data for defining how much potential your data contains. Especially if we talk about the unplanned area of actionable data.
We have to analysis with sales and marketing what does mean by qualified lead when we are looking to create a sustainable lead generation model. Gathering the real-time value that if you are purchasing the data is quite complex now. There are so many challenging to assure that data will help to achieve, going to be useful for lead generation.
With all these challenges, there are so many organizations which do a great job in achieving a successful path with actionable Lead Generation.
Most business players struggle a lot when it comes to lead generation for company growth.
Majorly, there are two facts that they fall into
- Data Collection Process
- Data Capturing into a Valuable model
The data collection process plays a vital role in the online space to get a crowd for your product and service. To recall and announce a new product, service and offers. There are several business owners do data process though download option, subscribe option.
But doing this activity can capture only these leads if they know you are playing brand in the market and it will be only 1% of your business leads.
2. Data Capturing within the website
Website is always the front face of your business. You should tell the users about your business on your website. So, if someone lands on your website, he should understand your business agenda and the solution which you provide to your customers. But if you want to do marketing and you are trying to generate leads for your business then you have to take another source for lead generation.
People usually give eBook download options to capture customer’s contact details, but these activities will work out only if you are a well-running known brand or you have a viral content with you. There are huge opportunities from other sources to capture the market for lead generation. I have listed out them below
- Search
- Social Media
- Publisher Sites
- Analyst Reports
- Buying Testing Tool/Sites
- Hypertext Learning Group
- Print Media
- Seminars and Business Meet up
Note: One of the perfect tried and proven tactics is social media activities. More than 72% of business owners using social to research their business solutions nowadays.
3. Burning Cash in Poor Quality Data
Collecting databases is maybe easy but when the database is not good then it will be just junk information. Poor quality data will be impure, imperfect, incomplete data that cannot produce any kind of result.
Most of the market players usually try to find vendors or agencies who can give a proposal with lesser prices and more quantity data. At the same time, they may forget to check the quality of the data. Based on the survey most of the database provider agencies don’t check the quality of the data.
If you are purchasing data which has not gone through a QC (Quality check), or if it has not passed all the QC Parameters while Quality Check. Then it will be just bunch of data which can disappoint you with the end result. Try to cross-check and if required burn some cash to collect real and useful data.
4. Separate Scores for Behavioural and Demographic Values
One more Problem will occur with the lead generation when it comes to the demographic store. If you are giving some points then give real value or some point to prospect your behavior then the score has to be updated from time to time.
Otherwise, a lead will give you casual insight which you are engaging long back. It could be generated a high rate result, a high lead score can give insightful information that they want to buy data with this knowledge base.
We have to be very aware of value repetition, Social media activity frequently so we should avoid value repetition for lead generation. This activity can occur better insightful and generate a great result in terms of lead generation.
5. Repetition of your Lead Generation Model
We all know one line is the do mistake and learn from your mistakes but never repeat the same mistake. If you are repeating your mistake, it can burn a lot of unwanted amounts of money in the marketing activity with zero results when we are ready to make lead generation infrastructure.
You are indulging in what could next course of action. You may be wrong when it just about to scoring from whitepapers and some case study with extreme expectations than other types of products such as eBooks or Survey Sheets. But the curiosity which rises in our mind is that, will it generate that much level of the score which we have expected from our analysis.
I would say that we still have a way to achieve our goal is that reanalysis your conversation data to assure your prediction about lead generation.
We briefed about what common mistake database buyer and business leaders do with data which may occur fewer results what they expect. Here is my one suggestion all of the data buyers do more and more market analysis and list your target audience, marketing strategy after that play to create the database for lead-generation.
I hope I was able to clear most of your doubts. But, In case of any concern or query kindly do comment below with your concern. I will try to come-up right solutions for readers.