There is a chance of happiness shining with a shower of smiles later on in the day! A forecast we would all love to wake up to.

Zapping ourselves back to reality, who wouldn’t want an accurate rain check to have the appropriate gear? Plan a beach day with the right amount of sunshine there to tan us?
For that, we need a perfect up to date real-time weather app!
Our phones- aiding predictions?
Want to gauge how powerful your smartphone is? Statista suggests that the number of applications available on Google Play from December 2009 to December 2019 was 2.9 Million!
These 2.9 Million applications are sorted in several categories. Yet, when it comes to the most revenue-generating applications, games are always on top owing to the massive number of downloads.
Where is the Most Time Spent?
However, the aforementioned chart barely shows the complete picture. The real fact of the matter is that no matter how much revenue the category in games gross, the most amount of time spent is not on games.
The applications that take up the most time are Maps, Instant Messengers, Music, Photos, and Weather. While Google Maps dominates the maps arena and applications like WhatsApp and Messenger dominate the Instant Messengers, it is worth investigating the most accurate weather apps.
Best Applications for Accurate Forecasts
Weather forecasts are essential, especially when it comes to nationally televised events like sports. Failure to properly account for rain during the Cricket World Cup 2019 made it the edition with the most number of games abandoned due to rain.
However, making accurate forecasts is not a piece of cake. Several studies conducted have attempted to study the accuracy and reliability of forecasts and have come to find that immediate forecasts are by far the most reliable.
But, of course, for the general public looking to find out what the weather would be like the very next day, smartphone applications are the most accessible tools. That is why statistics from 2013 showed that 57 million people checked the weather every day on the web.
To help you keep up with the weather, here are some applications that are the most accurate in predicting the weather:
AccuWeather is one of the most heard names across the world when it comes to weather applications. It is the preferred weather guide for phone providers across the world and hence is one of the most trusted apps.
Not only is it the most used around the world, but studies have confirmed it to be the most accurate weather forecasting application in 2017.
When it really comes to the desirability of this application, the navigable design stands out among all others. Not only does it display loads of information, but it displays the information in as quickly understandable terms as possible.
From weather forecasts available for the next few days to breakdowns of the current day and real feel, AccuWeather is undoubtedly one of the best. However, the free version of the application comes with several advertisements that tend to get annoying when navigating through the app.
2. Weather Underground
But what AccuWeather (and most other weather applications) does not have is regional weather updates. Although weather applications will inform you about the temperature for the day and up to a 10-day forecast, they cannot tell you specific weather conditions in your neighborhood.
Weather Underground comes equipped with this unique feature and gives accurate results with the help of its 250000 personal weather station spread across town.
So, if you want some on ground weather updates, this is the application for you. Just like with AccuWeather, though, you get a free version that supports advertisements throughout the application. If you want to remove those advertisements, you can buy an annual subscription for $1.99.
3. WKRN Weather Authority App
The WKRN is right up there with one of the most accurate weather applications around the world. So much so that the WKRN weather authority app is used in newsrooms to predict weather and inform the masses.
The application carries several features presented in an easily navigable format, which makes information deduction a child’s play.
Furthermore, the application lets you shift between several tabs, including Home, Hourly, Daily, Radar, and Submit. Of these, the most interesting one is “submit,” whereby you get to report the weather.
Using the information that you provide, they tally the weather updates according to their data and update their forecasts. Moreover, your weather update will be shown on national television and WKRN websites. So you can report Nashville weather yourself to the application if you see any discrepancy.
4. Dark Sky
If there is ever an ironic name for a weather application, this is it. But the app is as accurate as ironic is the name. It allows you to set alerts with government-issued warnings in addition to the hourly and weekly forecasts that you usually get with other applications.
Besides, it lets you add customized notifications for you. You get to choose what notifications you can choose from snowfall, rain, UV index, humidity, wind speed, or temperature.
But the application is so great not because it provides timely and very accurate results every day, but because it is one of the best applications in terms of user experience and application design. It has everything right, from the right colors to the navigable design to infographics.
A subscription for this application can be availed for $3.99.
Final Word
Whether you are part of the population that spends the most time on smartphones playing games or socializing, you need the weather. But not just any weather application works. To plan your day in advance, you need the best weather application.
But if you think that these applications are used only on the individual level, you are wrong. The applications are used on an organizational level and even by news agencies to predict the weather for the next few days.
Without an excellent weather application on your phone, we suspect you might be getting wet in the rain a lot more times than you should. So, make use of these four weather applications to keep track of the weather and make your days out more pleasant.
Happy adventures!