4 Ways to Build a Better Business

Build a Better Business – There are many forces at play in the world of commerce. Understanding and addressing them are necessary for a small business owner to succeed where so many others have failed. This can be a daunting prospect for fledgling business owners, but doing your research will improve the odds dramatically. 

Build a Better Business

Keys to a Successful Business – Here are the tips you’ll need to know to create a successful business or build a better business from the ground up.


One of Ben Franklin’s two certainties in life, taxes are a necessary evil among businesses. However, you can use the framework of taxes in a more informed way in order to gain an advantage. Businesses have to pay taxes just like people do, but there is an entirely different set of rules for businesses that can make things better or worse depending on your decisions. For example, you can change the status of your company by filing form 8832, and this can potentially save you a bunch of money come tax time. On the other hand, it’s also important to know that you can deduct many business expenses from your taxes each year and, more importantly, what does or does not apply. It’s also crucial that your tax returns are 100% accurate.


The heart of all finances is accounting. Your business’s finances are of the utmost importance for a variety of reasons. For example, your tax returns need to have all of the pertinent information presented in total accuracy, because failing to do so can result in fines or worse as the result of a potential IRS audit. The same principle applies to your companies quarterly and annual earnings reports. However, even for your own sake, accounting is important, because it will be a consistent resource you can use to improve your business model.

Also Read: 6 Tips for Creating a Successful Business on Your First Try

By understanding your current earnings and spending patterns, you can then visualize what needs to change in order to take the necessary steps to manifest that change. Because of the importance of your finances, you should hire a professional accountant.


While it can be useful to hire an accountant, there are many other areas in which outsourcing roles is incredibly beneficial, if not essential. Another great example is marketing. Marketing is one of the most crucial aspects of doing business, because it not only attracts new customers, but also drives brand recognition and brand loyalty. In other words, marketing will serve as your primary means of growing your business while also ensuring the sustainability of that growth. However, it’s an incredibly complex field that entails myriad methods and tools, so it’s best left in the hands of an external agency. IT and cybersecurity roles fall into the same sort of problem area in which they’re both incredibly important and complex, so outsourcing is usually the right call.


As mentioned above, marketing is crucial for any company, but it’s also multifaceted. While it’s best to hire a marketing firm, it’s also important to understand the basic tenets and tools involved. For starters, quality marketing is designed with market data in mind, so you’ll need to work with a PR firm in order to conduct market research. These surveys will paint a clear picture of your target market and demographics in order to inform your marketing strategies while also helping to develop more effective business strategies. You’ll also need a compelling brand. Branding entails applying a variety of aesthetic signifiers to your business and its products, each of which will have a vital role to play in other marketing techniques such as advertising. Branding is, essentially, the face of your company and the foundation of your marketing strategy as a whole.

Running your own company is tricky for many reasons. However, it doesn’t always have to be, and seeking solutions will often provide clear, demonstrable answers. These tips can help you survive and even thrive, but there’s still more to learn if you want to establish your company as one of the greats.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.