Get creative with your exercises on the treadmill
Hello, cold. The days of the outdoor races enjoying the sun begin to be scarce, due to the cold and the rains of the season. Luckily, our friend the treadmill is always there for us. Combine your cardio training in these four ways to get bored and burn calories at the waist.

1. Climb a hill with your treadmill
When you run out, the ground is barely ready. Make your treadmill fit with reality by playing with the inclination. Just increasing the tilt by 1% or 2% will improve your resistance and add an extra challenge to the lower part of your body.
While you are running, conquer a large mountain by raising the incline to 10% or more during 2 minute intervals. Soon you will see the results.
2. Walk with weights on the treadmill
Give your training an extra boost by combining strength and cardio equipment . Take weights of 1 or 2 kg of weight before climbing the treadmill to sculpt your body and increase calorie burning.
Walk at a good pace and go flexing the biceps, doing shoulder presses and side elevations. You can also simply hold the weights while walking normally and you will continue to add an extra challenge.
3. Save time on the treadmill with sprints
A long career on the treadmill adds mileage to your training routine , but the days when you are just in time do not always allow you a long workout . Change things a bit and save time on the treadmill with intervals in sprint format.
Get more done in less time by raising the speed and trying one of our favorite interval training routines :
- 20 seconds sprint, walk 40 seconds. Repeat 10 times to get a 10 minute workout that results.
- Walk 1 minute, run 1 minute, sprint 30 seconds. Repeat it 5 times. And everything, in less than 15 minutes.
4. The challenge: TV vs the treadmill
Since we are all connected to the TV when we train and run on the treadmill, why not turn your favorite program into a personal challenge?
During the program, run or walk as you normally would on the treadmill , but when there are announcements, get off the treadmill and try to hold as much as possible by doing ironing. Turn and end with crunches until they come back from the ads. For the next advertising stop, do the same but change the traditional crunches for bike crunches to focus on the obliques.
Happy career on the treadmill !